Language name and locationː Gbanziri, CAR, DR of the Congo [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区格班齐里语, 中非共和国瓦卡省和民主刚果境内


1. k͡pókà

21.  ɡ͡bà-ɓīsì-pɛ́-k͡pókà

2. ɓīsì

22.  ɡ͡bà-ɓīsì-pɛ́-ɓīsì

3. ɓɔ̄tà ~ ɓōātà

23.  ɡ͡bà-ɓīsì-pɛ́-ɓōātà

4. ɓùānā ~ ɓɔ̄nā

24.  ɡ͡bà-ɓīsì-pɛ́-ɓùānā

5. vūè

25.  ɡ͡bà-ɓīsì-pɛ́-vūè

6. sítà

26.  ɡ͡bà-ɓīsì-pɛ́-sítà

7. sélènā ~ sáɓá

27.  ɡ͡bà-ɓīsì-pɛ́-sélènā

8. sánā

28.  ɡ͡bà-ɓīsì-pɛ́-sánā

9. vūè-nà-ɓùānā ( 5+ 4 ) / liɓòà  *

29.  ɡ͡bà-ɓīsì-pɛ́-vūè-nà-ɓùānā

10. nzò k͡pā ~ ɡ͡bà

30.  ɡ͡bà-ɓōātà

11. nzò-k͡pā-pɛ́-k͡pókà

40.  ɡ͡bà-ɓùānā

12. nzò-k͡pā-pɛ́-ɓīsì

50.  ɡ͡bà-vūè

13. nzò-k͡pā-pɛ́-ɓōātà

60.  ɡ͡bà-sítà

14. nzò-k͡pā-pɛ́-ɓùānā

70.  ɡ͡bà-sélènā

15. nzò-k͡pā-pɛ́-vūè

80.  ɡ͡bà-sánā

16. nzò-k͡pā-pɛ́-sítà

90.  ɡ͡bà-vūè-nà-ɓùānā

17. nzò-k͡pā-pɛ́-sélènā

100. nɡbànɡbò < Sango

18. nzò-k͡pā-pɛ́-sánā

200.  nɡbànɡbò ɓīsì

19. nzò-k͡pā-pɛ́-vūè-nà-ɓùānā

1000. sákì

20. ɡ͡bà-ɓīsì

2000. sákì ɓīsì


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Jacqueline Thomas, CNRS-LACITO, Paris, France, April 18, 1999

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Jacqueline Thomas, 1999 年 4 月 18 日.


Other comments: Gbanziri or Gbanzili is spoken by approximately 17,500 speakers in
Ouaka prefecture: Kouango subprefecture, along Ubangi river, Central African Republic, as well as Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Gbanziri or Gbanzili
has a decimal system with special construction for number 'nine'. There is a loan-word from Lingala for number 'nine', 'liɓòa'. Both the big numbers 'hundreds' and ' thousands' are borrowed from Sango language. The linker

'pɛ́' in compound numbers means 'upon', 'the top', 'the upper part'. Gbanzili has a three level tonal language, is has no nasal vowels.


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