Language name and location: Gawri, Kohistan, Pakistan [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区高里语 (卡拉米 Kalami), 巴基斯坦东北部开伯尔-普什图省


1. aːk

21.  aːk teː biʃ

2. duː

22.  du teː biʃ

3. ɬɑː

23.  ɬɑː teː biʃ

4. t͡ʃoːr

24.  t͡ʃoːr teː biʃ

5. pɑ̃t͡ʃ

25.  pɑ̃t͡ʃ teː biʃ

6. ʂo

26.  ʂo teː biʃ

7. sɑt

27.  sɑt teː biʃ

8. aʈ͡ʂ

28.  aʈ͡ʂ teː biʃ

9. nom

29.  nom teː biʃ

10. daʃ

30.  daːʃ teː biʃ (10+20)

11. ikaː

40.  dubiʃ (2 x 20)

12. baː

50.  daːʃ teː dubiʃ [10+(3 x 20)]

13. ɬoː

60.  ɬɑːbiʃ (3 x 20)

14. t͡ʃuːn

70.  daːʃ teː ɬɑːbiʃ  [10+(3 x 20)]

15. pand͡ʒaː

80.  t͡ʃoːrbiʃ (4 x 20)

16. ʂoːr

90.  daːʃ teː t͡ʃoːrbiʃ [10+(4 x 20)]

17. səttaː

100. pɑ̃t͡ʃbiʃ (5 x 20)

18. aʈ͡ʂaː

200. du soː

19. anbiʃ (20 -1 )

1000. a zir

20. biʃ

2000. duː zir


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Joan L. G. Baart, Summer Institute of Linguistics, September 13, 2002.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Joan L. G. Baart, 2002 年 9 月 13 日


Other comments: Gawri or Kalami has a vigesimal numeral system and there are loanwords from neighboring dominant language for big numbers 100 and 1000. Gawri or Kalami or Bashkarik is spoken by approximately 100,000 speakers in Swat district, Biar, Lamuti, Rajkot, and Thal villages in Dir Kohistan; upper Swat Kohistan, between Peshmal and Kalam north to Kalam area upper valleys, Khyber Pakhtunkwa province, Pakistan.


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