Language name and locationː Bondum Dom Dogon, Mali [ Refer to Ethnologue]

语言名称和分布地区: 杜姆-多姆--多贡语, 马里中部邦莫普提区杜安扎镇


1. kúndé

21.  pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j sìɡà tómàj

2. nôːj

22.  pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j sìɡà nôːj

3. tàːndîː

23.  pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j sìɡà tàːndîː

4. kɛ́ːdʒɛ̀j

24.  pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j sìɡà kɛ́ːdʒɛ̀j

5. nùmîː

25.  pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j sìɡà nùmîː

6. kúlèj

26.  pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j sìɡà kúlèj

7. swɛ̂j

27.  pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j sìɡà swɛ̂j

8. sáːɡìː

28.  pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j sìɡà sáːɡìː

9. twâj

29.  pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j sìɡà twâj

10. píjɛ́lì 

30.  pɔ̂ː tàːndîː

11. pɛ́ː sìɡà tómàj 

40.  pɔ̀lɛ́-kɛ́ːdʒɛ̀j ~ pɔ̀lɔ́-kɛ́ːdʒɛ̀j

12. pɛ́ː sìɡà nôːj

50.  pɔ̀lɛ́-nùmîː ~ pɔ̀lɔ́-kɛ́ːdʒɛ̀ ké píjɛ́lì

13. pɛ́ː sìɡà tàːndîː

60.  pɔ̀lɛ́-kúlèj

14. pɛ́ː sìɡà kɛ́ːdʒɛ̀j

70.  pɔ̂ː swɛ̂j ~ pɔ̀lɛ́-kúlèj ké píjɛ́lì 

15. pɛ́ː sìɡà nùmîː

80.  pɔ̀lɛ́-sáːɡìː ~ pɔ̀lɔ́ sáːɡìː ~ sîm ~kɛ̀ːsǔm

16. pɛ́ː sìɡà kúlèj

90.  pɔ̂ː twâj ~ kɛ̀ːsǔm má ké píjɛ́lì  

17. pɛ́ː sìɡà swɛ̂j

100. kɛ̀ːsǔm má pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j ~ tɛ́ːmɛ́dɛ́rɛ̀

18. pɛ́ː sìɡà sáːɡìː

200. tɛ́ːmɛ́dɛ́rɛ̀ nôːj

19. pɛ́ː sìɡà twâj

1000. mùdʒú

20. pɔ̂ː nɔ̀j

2000. mùdʒú nôːj


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Jeff Heath, with the help of Dr. Abbie Hantgan, Department of linguistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. July 1, 2011.

提供资的语言学家: Prof. Jeff Heath, 2011 年 7 月 1 日.


Other comments: The modern Bondum Dom Dogon or Najamba-Kindige Dogon has a decimal system. There are archaic forms for 40, 50, 70, 80, 90 and 100. They borrowed Fulfulde number 100 'tɛ́ːmɛ́dɛ́rɛ̀'. Najamba-Kindige (aka Bondu So); thought to be a single language with much dialectal diversity, but Kindige has not yet been studied in depth. Najamba is the local name for the language in several villages in a large canyon beginning just east of Douentza and ending at the huge central Dogon plateau (villages include Kubewel and Adia). Kindige is the local name for the dialects spoken along the highway running west from Douentza (separated from Najamba by a long inselberg and then by the plateau). Najamba-Kindige people are called Bondu by neighboring ethnic groups.  There are approximately 24,700 speakers for Bondum-Dom or Najamba-Kindige Dogon.


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