Language name and location: Dari, Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 达里语 (阿富汗波斯语), 阿富汗, 伊朗, 塔吉克斯坦及土库曼


1. jʌk

21.  bistujʌk

2. du

22.  bistudu

3. se

23.  bistuse

4. t͡ʃɒr

24.  bistut͡ʃɒr

5. pʌnd͡ʒ

25.  bistupʌnd͡ʒ

6. ʃʌʃ

26.  bistuʃʌʃ

7. hʌft  / ʔʌft (colloq.)

27.  bisthʌpt

8. hʌʃt /ʔʌʃt (colloq.)

28.  bistuhʌʃt

9. no

29.  bistuno

10. dʌ  

30.  si

11. jɒzdʌ

40.  t͡ʃɪl

12. dʷɒzdʌ

50.  pɪnd͡ʒɒ 

13. sezdʌ

60.  ʃʌst

14. t͡ʃɒrdʌ

70.  hʌftɒd

15. pɒnzdʌ

80.  hʌʃtɒd

16. ʃɒnzdʌ

90.  nʌwʌd

17. hʌvdʌ /ʔʌvdʌ (colloq.)

100. sʌd

18. hʌʒdʌ /ʔʌʒdʌ (colloq.)

200. dusʌd

19. nozdʌ

1000. jʌkhʌzɒr

20. bist

2000. duhʌzɒr


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Roman Gehring, Summer Institute of Linguistics, July 25, 2002
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Roman Gehring, 2002 年 7 月 25 日


Other comments: Dari has a decimal system similar to that of Persian. Dari or Afghan Persian, Eastern Farsi, Parsi is spoken by approximately 30,000,000 speakers n in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and Turkey.


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