Language name and locationː Lowland Oaxaca Chontal, Mexico [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区低地琼塔尔语, 墨西哥南部瓦哈卡州特万特佩克区圣佩德罗瓦梅卢拉镇和圣地亚哥阿斯塔塔镇 


1. ɲulji

21.  ɲuxans ɲulji

2. ukweʔ

22.  ɲuxans ukweʔ

3. faneʔ

23.  ɲuxans faneʔ

4. malpuʔ

24.  ɲuxans malpuʔ

5. maɡeʔ

25.  ɲuxans maɡeʔ

6. kʔantʃux  kʔ = 'a glottalized k'

26.  ɲuxans kʔantʃux

7. koteʔ

27.  ɲuxans koteʔ

8. malfaʔ

28.  ɲuxans malfaʔ

9. penlaʔ

29.  ɲuxans penlaʔ

10. mbamaʔ

30.  ɲuxans mbamaʔ

11. mbamaʔ ɲulji

40.  ukweʔ ɲuxans 

12. mbamaʔ ukweʔ

50.  ukweʔ ɲuxans mbamaʔ

13. mbamaʔ faneʔ

60.  faneʔ ɲuxans 

14. mbamaʔ malpuʔ

70.  faneʔ ɲuxans mbamaʔ

15. mbamaʔ maɡeʔ

80.  malpuʔ ɲuxans 

16. mbamaʔ kʔantʃux

90.  malpuʔ ɲuxans mbamaʔ

17. mbamaʔ koteʔ

100. maxɲu

18. mbamaʔ malfaʔ

200.  ukweʔ maxɲu or mbama ɲuxans

19. mbamaʔ penlaʔ

1000. mil  ( mil < Spanish )

20. ɲuxans

2000. ukweʔ mil


Linguists providing data and dateː Dr. Loretta O'Connor, Department of Linguistics, University of California-Santa Barbara, USA, January 22, 2009.

提供资的语言家: Dr. Loretta O'Connor, 2009 年 1月 22 日.


Other comments: Lowland Oaxaca Chontal (Lajltyaygi) or Huamelula Chontal is a nearly extinct language spoken by approximately 1,280 speakers in Oaxaca state: Tehuantepec district, San Pedro Huamelula and Santiago Astata, Mexico.

Like many Mesoamerican languages, Lowland Oaxaca Chontal has a number system based on 20. That is, there is a monomorphemic lexical item for 20, and the rest of the numbers are expressed as combinations of these nouns and the numbers one through ten. Nowadays, most speakers use the Spanish number words.

Note that the following transcriptions between traditional phonetic symbols and IPA. = simple alveopalatal affricate IPA [tʃ].

2. <'> represents both a glottal stop and glottalization.

3. ñ = IPA [ɲ], a palatal nasal, 4. y = IPA [j], a palatal approximant.

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