Language name and locationː Illo Busa,  Kwara state, Nigeria [Refer to Ethnologue]

语言名称和分布地区: 伊罗-布语,  尼日利亚中部和贝宁接壤的夸拉州和西北部凯比州


1. do

21. bào wɛɛdo (litː 20+1 unit)

2. pia

22. bào wɛɛpia (litː 20+2)

3. ʔààkɔ̃

23. bào wɛɛʔààkɔ̃ (litː 20+3)

4. ʃííkɔ̃

24. bào wɛɛʃííkↄ̃ (litː 25 less 1)

5. sɔ́o

25. bàasɔ́odò

6. sóodo (5+1)

26. bàasɔ́odò wɛɛdo (litː 25+1)

7. soopia (5+2)

27. bàasɔ́odò wɛɛpia (litː 25+2)

8. swààkɔ̃ (5+3)

28. bàasↄ́odo wɛɛʔààkɔ̃ (litː 30 - 2)

9. kĩ́ṇdokwi [litː tear away 1 (from) 10]

29. bàakwi mɛ̀ṇ̀dosàí (litː 30 - 1)

10. kwi

30. bàakwi (20+10)

11. kwi wɛɛdo (litː 10+1)

40. bàpia (20 x 2)

12. kwi wɛɛpia (litː 10+2)

50. bàpiakwi (20 x 2+10)

13. kwi wɛɛʔààkɔ̃ (litː 10+3)

60. bààkɔ̃ (20 x 3)

14. ɡɛ̃̀o mɛ̀ǹ̩dosàí (litː 15 less 1)

70. bààkɔ̃kwi (60+10)

15. ɡɛ̃̀o

80. bàʃííɔ̃ (20 x 4)

16. ɡɛ̃̀o wɛɛdo (litː 15+1)

90. bàʃííɔ̃kwì (80+10)

17. ɡɛ̃̀o wɛɛpia (litː 15+2)

100. bàsɔo (20 x 5)

18. gɛ̃̀o wɛɛʔààkɔ̃ (litː 20 - 2)

200. ʔòaa

19. bào mɛ̀ǹ̩dosàí (litː 20 less 1)

1000. ʔòaa sɔ́o (200 x 5)

20. bào

2000. ʔòaa  kwi (200 x 10)


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Ross Jones, SIM International / Bible translation in Nigeria. March 28, 1999. February 17, 2010. April 4, 2012.

提供资的语言学家: Dr. Ross Jones, 1999 年 3 月 28 日. 2010 2 17


Other comments: Illo Busa or Bisã has a counting system closely related to languages of Boko/Busa group. Unmarked vowels above are mid tones. /e/ is the near close near front vowel /ı/. If /ı/ is used, it becomes ambiguous when marked with a suprasegmental. Illo Busa or Bariba, Bisayã is spoken by approximately 15,000 speakers in Kebbi state: Bagudo LGA, 35 villages; Kwara state: south of Kanji reservoir; Niger state: Borgu LGA, Nigeria.

Language name and locationː Illo Busa,  Kwara state, Nigeria [Refer to Ethnologue]

语言名称和分布地区: 伊罗-布语,  尼日利亚中部和贝宁接壤的夸拉州和西北部凯比州


1. do

21.  bàro awɛ́ɛ́do         (20+1)

2. pla

22.  bàro awɛ́ɛpla        (20+2)

3. ʔààkɔ̃

23.  bàro awɛ́ɛʔààkɔ̃     (20+3)

4. sííkɔ̃

24.  bàrasɔ́ɔ́ro donsàrí   (25 - 1) *

5. sɔ́ɔ́ro

25.  bàrasɔ́ɔ́ro

6. súddo   (5+1)

26.  bàrasɔ́ɔ́ro awɛ́ɛ́do   (25+1)

7. súppla  (5+2)

27.  bàrasɔ́ɔ́ro awɛ́ɛpla  (25+2 )

8. sɔ́rààkɔ̃ (5+ 3)

28.  bàrakurì plansàrí    (20+10 - 2) *

9. kɛ̃́ndo   (10 -1)

29.  bàrakurì donsàrí     (20+10 - 1) *

10. kurì

30.  bàrakurì (20+10)

11. kurì awɛ́ɛ́do    (10+1)

40.  bùpla (20 x 2)

12. kurì awɛ́ɛpla   (10+2 )

50.  bùplaakurì

13. kurì awɛ́ɛʔààkɔ̃ (10+3)

60.  bàààkɔ̃ (20 x 3)

14. ɡɛ̃̀ro donsàrí     (15 - 1) *

70.  bàààkɔ̃akurì

15. ɡɛ̃̀ro

80.  bàsííkɔ̃  (20 x 4)

16. ɡɛ̃̀ro awɛ́ɛ́do    (15+1)

90.  bàsííkɔ̃akurì

17. ɡɛ̃̀ro awɛ́ɛpla   (15+2)

100. bàsɔ́ɔ́ro (20 x 5)

18. ɡɛ̃̀ro awɛ́ɛʔààkɔ̃ (15+3)

200. wàà do

19. bàro donsàrí     (20 - 1) *

1000. wàà sɔ́ɔ́ro (200 x 5)

20. bàro

2000. wàà sɔ́sɔ́ɔ́ro lɛ́ò pla (200 x 5 x 2 )


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Ross Jones, SIM International / Bible translation, Nigeria, March 28, 1999.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Ross Jones, 1999 年 3 月 28 日.


Other comments: Busa has a rather complicated and peculiar vigesimal system with five-base substructure. The word 'sàrí' in numbers 14. 19, 24, 28 means 'without'. Busa is spoken by approximately


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