Language name and location: Bosman, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue ]

言名称和分布地区博斯蒙语, 巴布亚新几内亚马当省及东锡皮克省


1. koku(ne)

2. buniŋ

3. buankak

4. boɡur, boɡul

5. parembaŋ, parbaŋ

10. parniŋ

20. (parniŋ) orniŋ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Glen A. Lean, Department of Communications, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 1991.

Sourceː Glendon A. Lean. Counting systems of Papua New Guinea, volume 15, Madang Province Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 1991.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Glen A. Lean, 1991 年.


Other comments: Bosman system is a digit-tally one with tallying beginning on the fingers of the left hand, starting with the thumbs, and proceeding to the right hand, arriving at the little fingers at a count of 10. Tally then proceeds to the toes, those of the left foot tallied first and those of the right next; tally is complete at 20 and the

cycle repeated if necessary. The basic numeral set is (1, 2, 4) on the assumption that

3, 'buankak' ('(m)bonkiakak'') has a '2 + 1' construction. Both 5 and 10 contain a 'hand morpheme 'par-', 5 having the sense 'hand one' and 10 having the meaning 'hand (s) two'. The number word for 20 contain a 'foot' morpheme 'or-' and has the meaning 'foot two'ː 'oriniŋ'; the author has 'parniŋ orniŋ' i.e. 'hand two foot two'. New data needed to compare with the old one.

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