Language name and locationː Blackfoot, Albert, Canada, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区布莱克福特语, 加拿大西部艾伯塔省布莱克福特人保留区及美国


1. niˀtók͡sa   

21.  nátsipːo niː't͡sikópoto

2. náːtoˀka

22.  nátsipːo nát͡sikópoto

3. niː(w)ókska

23.  nátsipːo niːíkopoto

4. nisó

24.  nátsipːo niːsíkopoto

5. nisitó

25.  nátsipːo nisit͡síkopoto

6. náːo      ( 3 x 2 ?)

26.  nátsipːo náːikopoto

7. ixkit͡síka  *

27.  nátsipːo ixkit͡síkiːkopoto

8. nániso  ( 2 x 4 )

28.  nátsipːo nánisiːkopoto

9. piːxksːó

29.  nátsipːo piːxsːíːkopoto

10. kiːpó

30.  níːpːo

11. (kiːpó) niː't̩͡sikópoto

40.  niːsípːo

12. (kiːpó) nát͡sikópoto

50.  nisit͡sipːo

13. (kiːpó) niːíkopoto

60.  náaipːo

14. (kiːpó) niːsíkopoto

70.  ixkit͡síkipːo

15. (kiːpó) nisit͡síkopoto

80.  nánisipːo

16. (kiːpó) náːikopoto

90.  piːxksːipːo

17. (kiːpó) ixkit͡síkiːkopoto

100. kiːpípːo

18. (kiːpó) nánisiːkopoto

200. nát͡sikiːpípːo

19. (kiːpó) piːxsːíːkopoto

1000. ómaxk͡sikiːkipípːo

20. nátsipːo

2000. nátoˀkámaxk͡sikiːpípːo


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Donald Frantz, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, August 30, 2008.

提供资的语言: Prof. Donald Frantz, 2008 年 8 月 30 日.


Other comments: Blackfoot (Siksiká) is spoken by approximately 6,700 speakers in 
Alberta province: Blackfoot, Blood, and Piegan reserves, Canada as well as United States.
has a decimal system. It looks as if number '8' is from '2 x 4' etymologically; '6' is less likely from '3 x 2', but that's possible. Note that the apostrophe <'> in the Blackfoot alphabet represents a glottal stop, =IPA [ʔ]; The <h> in the Blackfoot alphabet represents a palatal fricative =IPA [x]; Double letters represent long sounds [vː ]; <ts> is an alveolar affricate=IPA [t͡s]; <ks> is a velar-alveolar affricate = IPA [k͡s]. Blackfoot has a non-predictable pitch accent [v́]. That is, every polysyllabic Blackfoot word has at least one syllable with distinctively high pitch.

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