Language name and location: Bateri, Kohistan, Pakistan, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区巴特里语, 巴基斯坦东北部开伯尔-普什图省及印度境内


1. jak̚

21.  jakubiʃ

2. du̝ː

22.  dujubiʃ

3. ʈ͡ʂɑː

23.  ʈ͡ʂajubiʃ

4. t͡sor

24.  t͡sorubiʃ

5. pɑ̃z̥

25.  pɑ̃zubiʃ

6. ʂo

26.  ʂojubiʃ

7. sɑt

27.  sɑtubiʃ

8. ɑʈ̚

28.  ɑʈubiʃ

9. nõ

29.  nõjubiʃ

10. daʃ

30.  daʃubiʃ (10+20)

11. jæːʃ

40.  dubiʃ (2 x 20)

12. duɑʃ

50.  daʃudubiʃ [10+(3 x 20)]

13. t͡ʂiʃ

60.  ʈ͡ʂabiʃ (3 x 20)

14. t͡soddaʃ

70.  daʃuʈ͡ʂabiʃ [10+(3 x 20)]

15. panʒiʃ

80.  t͡sorbiʃ  (4 x 20)

16. ʂoeʃ

90.  daʃut͡sorbiʃ [10+(4 x 20)]

17. sataʃ

100. pɑ̃ːzbiʃ (5 x 20) / ʃal

18. atʰaʃ

200. duʃal

19. ũbiʃ (20 -1)

1000. zir

20. biʃ

2000. duzir


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Claus Peter Zoller, University of Heidelberg, Germany, March 17, 1999.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Claus Peter Zoller, 1999 年 3 月 17 日


Other comments: Bateri numeral system is vigesimal and there are loanwords from neighboring dominant language for big numbers 100 and 1000. Bateri is spoken by approximately 39,800 speakers in south Kohistan district; Indus river east bank, some north of Besham, Batera area, Khyber Pakhtunkwa province, Pakistan as well as India.


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