Language name and location: Bangani, Uttarakhand, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 邦加尼语, 印度印度北方邦西部加尔赫瓦尔地区


1. ek

21.  ek bi:ʃ ek

2. d̪ʊi

22.  ek bi:ʃ d̪ʊi

3. t͡ʃiːn

23.  ek bi:ʃ t͡ʃiːn

4. t͡ʃaːr

24.  ek bi:ʃ t͡ʃaːr

5. pãːt͡ʃ

25.  ek bi:ʃ pãːt͡ʃ

6. t͡ʃʰɔ

26.  ek bi:ʃ t͡ʃʰɔ

7. saːt̪

27.  ek bi:ʃ saːt̪

8. aːʈʰ

28.  ek bi:ʃ aːʈʰ

9. nɔ

29.  ek bi:ʃ nɔ

10. d̪ɔʃ

30.  ek biːʃ d̪ɔʃ (30+10)

11. gjaˈrəh

40.  d̪ʊi biːʃ (2 x 20)

12. baːrəh

50.  d̪ʊi biːʃ d̪ɔʃ

13. t̪eraː

60.  t͡ʃiːn biːʃ (3 x 20)

14. t͡ʃɔd̪aː

70.  t͡ʃiːn biːʃ d̪ɔʃ

15. pɔn̪d̪raː

80.  t͡ʃaːr biːʃ (4 x 20)

16. solaː

90.  t͡ʃaːr biːʃ d̪ɔʃ

17. sɔt̪raː

100. pãːt͡ʃ biːʃ (5 x 20) / ʃɔ

18. ɔʈʰəraː

200.  d̪ʊi ʃɔ

19. ʊnɪʃ (20 - 1)

1000. ek həzaːr

20. biːʃ

2000. d̪ʊi həzaːr


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Anvita Abbi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, September 23, 2002.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Anvita Abbi, 2002 年 9 月 23 日.


Other comments: Bangani has a vigesimal numeral system with borrowings for 100 and 1000. Hindi numerals after ten are often used now. Bangani is often treated as a Garhwali dialect. Bangani is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in parts of Uttarkashi district in the Bangan region, west of the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India. It has been described either as a member of the Western Pahari language group, or as a dialect of the Central Pahari Garhwali language. It shares between one half and two thirds of its basic vocabulary with neighboring varieties of Garhwali and with the Western Pahari languages of Jaunsari and Sirmauri.


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