Language name and location: Banda Bambari, Ouaka preft, CAR [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区班达-班巴里语 (班达-林达Banda-Linda), 中非共和国瓦卡省


1. bale

21.  zazu bale ama nɘ bale

2. biʃi

22.  zazu bale ama nɘ biʃi

3. vɘta

23.  zazu bale ama nɘ vɘta

4. vana

24.  zazu bale ama nɘ vana

5. mīndū

25.  zazu bale ama nɘ mīndū

6. mīndū ama nɘ bale   ( 5 + 1 )̄

26.  zazu bale ama nɘ mīndū ama nɘ bale

7. mīndū ama nɘ bīʃi    ( 5 + 2 )

27.  zazu bale ama nɘ mīndū ama nɘ bīʃi

8. mīndū ama nɘ vɘta   ( 5 + 3 )

28.  zazu bale ama nɘ mīndū ama nɘ vɘta

9. mīndū ama nɘ vana  ( 5 + 4 )

29.  zazu bale ama nɘ mīndū ama nɘ vana

10. moɾofo

30.  zazu bale de moɾofo

11. moɾofo ama nɘ bale

40.  zazu bīʃì  ('two persons')

12. moɾofo ama nɘ bīʃi

50.  zazu bīʃì de moɾofo

13. moɾofo ama nɘ vɘta

60.  zazu vɘta ('three persons')

14. moɾofo ama nɘ vana

70.  zazu vɘta de moɾofo  

15. ɡrɘvɘta *

80.  zazu vana ('four persons')

16. ɡrɘvɘta ama bale

90.  zazu vana de moɾofo

17. ɡrɘvɘta ama bīʃi

100. zazu mīndū ('five persons')

18. ɡrɘvɘta ama vɘta

200.  nɡ͡banɡ͡bo biʃi

19. ɡrɘvɘta ama vana

1000. sake bale

20. zazu bale  (litː 'one person' )

2000. sake biʃi


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Alfred Siango through Mr. Will Sawers  and Ms. Elizabeth Miles. SIL International, Central African Republic, October 22, 2008

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Alfred Siango, 2008 年 10 月 22 日.


Other comments: Banda-Linda or Banda-Bambari has a numeral system nearby identical to that of Banda-Tangbago. The word for 15 ''ɡrɘvɘta'' probably comes from "ge" being the word for a packet, a bunch, and "r‚" the verb for "to set aside" and "vɘta" is the word for three. Perhaps the "ge" and "r‚ "shortened into "gr" and took on the general meaning of 5 ??? (counting a packet and setting it aside) this three times "vɘta" equals 15. Banda-Linda is believed to have three tones: high, mid and low. No high tones occur in this word list. Mid tones are marked . Low tones are not marked.

Language name and locationː Banda-Linda, CAR [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区班达林达语, 中非共和国


1. bɑ̀lē

21.  zòzū bɑ̀lē də̀ bɑ̀lē

2. bīʃì

22.  zòzū bɑ̀lē də̀ bīʃì

3. və̀tɑ̀

23.  zòzū bɑ̀lē də̀ və̀tɑ̀

4. və̀nɑ̄

24.  zòzū bɑ̀lē də̀ və̀nɑ̄

5. mīndû


6. mīndû ɑ̀ bɑ̀le   ( 5 + 1 )̄


7. mīndû ɑ̀ bīʃì    ( 5 + 2 )


8. mīndû ɑ̀ və̀tɑ̀   ( 5 + 3 )


9. mīndû ɑ̀ və̀nɑ̄  ( 5 + 4 )


10. mórófō 

30.  zòzū bɑ̀lē də̀ mórófō 

11. mórófō ɑ̀mɑ̀ nə̀ bɑ̀lē

40.  zòzū bīʃì  ('two persons')

12. mórófō ɑ̀mɑ̀ nə̀ bīʃì

50.  zòzū bīʃì də̀ mórófō 

13. mórófō ɑ̀mɑ̀ nə̀ və̀tɑ̀

60.  zòzū və̀tɑ̀ ('three persons')

14. mórófō ɑ̀mɑ̀ nə̀ və̀nɑ̄

70.  zòzū vòtɑ̀ də̀ mórófō 

15. ɡɨ̄ɾɨ̄və̄tɑ̀

80.  zòzū və̀nɑ̄ ('four persons')

16. ɡɨ̄ɾɨ̄və̄tɑ̀ ɑ̀mɑ̀ nə̀ bɑ̀lē

90.  zòzū və̀nɑ̄ də̀ mórófō 

17. ɡɨ̄ɾɨ̄və̄tɑ̀ ɑ̀mɑ̀ nə̀ bīʃì

100. zòzū mīndû ('five persons')

18. ɡɨ̄ɾɨ̄və̄tɑ̀ ɑ̀mɑ̀ nə̀ və̀tɑ̀


19. ɡɨ̄ɾɨ̄və̄tɑ̀ ɑ̀mɑ̀ nə̀ və̀nɑ̄


20. zòzū bɑ̀lē 



Linguist providing data and dateː Mrs. France Cloarec-Heiss, CNRS-LLACAN (National Center for Scientific Research), France, September 26, 1988.

供资料的语言学家: Mrs. France Cloarec-Heiss, 1988 年 9 月 26 日.


Other comments: Banda of Bambari or Banda-Linda is spoken by approximately

183,000 speakers in Basse-Kotto prefecture,Haute-Kotto prefecture, Ouaka prefecture: Bakala, Bambari, Grimari, and Ippy subprefectures, Central African Republic.


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