Language name and location: Baatonum, Benin, Nigeria [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区巴托农语, 贝宁中部和北部地区及尼日利亚境内


1. tía

21.  yɛndu kà tía > yɛndatía

2. ìru

22.  yɛndaìru

3. ìta

23.  yɛndaìta

4. ǹnɛ

24.  yɛndaǹnɛ

5. nɔɔbù

25.  yɛndanɔɔbù

6. nɔɔbù ka tía > nɔɔbatía  ka = and

26.  yɛndanɔɔbatía

7. nɔɔbù ka ìru > nɔɔbaìru

27.  yɛndanɔɔbaìru

8. nɔɔbù ka ìta > nɔɔbaìta

28.  yɛndanɔɔbaìta

9. nɔɔbù ka ǹnɛ> nɔɔbaǹnɛ

29.  yɛndanɔɔbaǹnɛ

10. ɔkuru

30.  tɛ̀na

11. ɔkuru kà tía > ɔkuratía

40.  wɛ̀ru  (20 x 2)

12. ɔkuru kà ìru > ɔkuraìru

50.  wɛ̀raɔkuru / wɛ̀rakuru

13. ɔkuru kà ìta > ɔkuraìta

60.  wàta (20 x 3)

14. ɔkuru kà ǹnɛ > ɔkuraǹnɛ

70.  wàtaɔkuru / wàtakuru

15. ɔkuranɔɔbù  

80.  wʊnɛ (20 x 4)

16. ɔkuranɔɔbatía

90.  wʊnaɔkuru / wʊnakuru

17. ɔkuranɔɔbaìru

100. wùnɔbù (20 x 5)

18. ɔkuranɔɔbaìta


19. ɔkuranɔɔbaǹnɛ

800. 1000

20. yɛndu



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Issa O. Sanusi, Senior Lecture of Department of Linguistics & Nigeria Languages, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. January 14, 2010

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Issa O. Sanusi, 2010 年 1 月 14 日.


Other comments: Baatonum has a quinary-vigesimal system. Batɔnu (referred to by non-native speakers as Bariba/Baruba). It is a language of the Gur (Voltaic) subgroup of the Niger-Congo family. The language is spoken as a first language in two adjacent countries: Nigeria and the Republic of Benin. Specifically, Batɔnu is spoken as a first language in Baruten Local Government Area of Kwara State, with its headquarters at Kósùbósù, Nigeria.

NB: Unlike in the popular decimal system of Arabic numerals, Batɔnu uses base five (i.e. the quinary) or a multiple of five as the basis upon which both cardinal and ordinal numerals are derived. For instance, the numerals ‘six’ through ‘nine’ are derived based on five plus one through four, while ‘ten’ is regarded as a new unit (i.e. a multiple of five).

NB. The data given below is taken from Sanusi, I. O. (1995) ''Counting in Base Five:

The Derivation of Numerals in Bàtònu'' Nigerian Language Studies, No.3, pages 13-19. A Journal Published by National Institute for Nigerian Languages, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria.

Language name and location: Baatonum, Benin, Nigeria [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区巴托农语, 贝宁中部和北部地区及尼日利亚境内


1. tiā

21.  yɛndá tiā

2. yìru

22.  yɛndá yìru

3. ìta / yìta

23.  yɛndá ìta

4. ǹnɛ

24.  yɛndá ǹnɛ

5. nɔ̀ɔbù

25.  yɛndá nɔ̀ɔbù

6. nɔ̀ɔbâ tiā   (5+1)

26.  yɛndá nɔ̀ɔbù kà tiā

7. nɔ̀ɔbá yìru (5+2)

27.  yɛndá nɔ̀ɔbù kà yìru

8. nɔ̀ɔbâ yìta (5+3)

28.  yɛndá nɔ̀ɔbù kà ìta

9. nɔ̀ɔbâ ǹnɛ (5+4)

29.  yɛndá nɔ̀ɔbù kà ǹnɛ

10. wɔkuru

30.  tɛ̀nā

11. wɔkurá tiā

40.  wèeru  (20 x 2)

12. wɔkurá yìru

50.  wèera àkuru / wèeru kà wɔkuru

13. wɔkurá ìta

60.  wàta (20 x 3)

14. wɔkurá ǹnɛ

70.  wàta ka wɔkuru

15. wɔkurá nɔ̀ɔbù

80.  wɛ̀nɛ̀ (20 x 4)

16. wɔkurá nɔ̀ɔbù kà tiā

90.  wɛ̀nɛ̀ ka wɔkuru

17. wɔkurá nɔ̀ɔbù kà yìru

100. wùnɔbu (20 x 5) / nõnu

18. wɔkurá nɔ̀ɔbù kà ìta

200. ɡoòbū, 400. nɛ̀ɛru, 600. nàta

19. wɔkurá nɔ̀ɔbù kà ǹnɛ

800. nɛ̀nɛ, 1000. nɔ̀rɔbù / fɔ̀rɔ̀tɔ tiā

20. yɛndu

2000. nɔra yìru / nɔ̀rɔbùn suba yìru


Linguist providing data and dateː  Prof. Gabriel Manessy, CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), France, December 2, 1994.

Mr. Pierre Barassounon, Summer Institute of Linguistics-Togo-Benin, January 14, 2008.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Gabriel Manessy, 1994 年 12 月 2 日. Mr. Pierre Barassounon, 2007 年 1月 14 日.


Other comments: Baatonum has a quinary-vigesimal system. Baatonum or Barba, Bariba is spoken by 1,100,000 speakers in Alibori department: central and southeast; Atacora department: east; Borgou department: Bembereke, Kalale, N’Dali, Nikki, Parakou, Sinende, Perere, and east Tchaourou communes; Donga department: Djougou commune, Benin as well as Nigeria.


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