Language name and location: Au, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区语, 巴布亚新几内亚西锡皮克省


1. kiutip (lit: 'it-one')

2. wiketeres (lit: 'two-those')

3. wikak (lit: 'three')

4. tekyait ( litː 'four')

5. his pinak  (litː 'hand-side-it' )

6. his pinak kiutip ( litː 'hand-side-it, one')

7. his pinak wiketeres

8. his pinak wikak 

9. his pinak tekyait  

10. his wien [litː hand(s) both') )

11. his wien kiutip

12. his wien wiketeres  

13. his wien wikak

14. his wien tekyait  

15. his wien  his pinak [litː 'his hand(s) both, hand-side-it']

16. his wien  his pinak kiutip

17. his wien  his pinak wiketeres

18. his wien  his pinak wikak

19. his wien  his pinak tekyait

20. his wien  his wien [litː 'hand(s) both hand(s) both']


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. David Scorza, SIL International, Papua New Guinea, June 19, 2011.

提供资的语言: Mr. David Scorza, 2011 年 6 月 19 日.


Other comments: Au counting system is a digit-tally one up to twenty, with having four distinct word for the first four cardinal numbers. They never developed a counting system higher than 20 before Tok Pisin came in. For Marriage, using shell rings, they used to use the term "one stick" (wan stick) to denote 100 shell rings, the price given for a woman as a bride. The stick would be up to one meter long ( 3 feet +) and filled with sea shell rings fitted around the stick as it stood upright in the ground.

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