Language name and locationː Arikara, North Dakota state, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 阿里卡拉语, 美国中西部北达科他州伯特霍尔德堡印第安保留区


1. áxku

21.  wīitáʔuʔ na áxku

2. pítku

22.  wīitáʔuʔ na pítku

3. táwit

23.  wīitáʔuʔ na táwit

4. čiitíʔiš

24.  wīitáʔuʔ na čiitíʔiš

5. šíhux

25.  wīitáʔuʔ na šíhux

6. tšaápis

26.  wīitáʔuʔ na tšaápis

7. tawišaapiswaána ( 8 less than one ?)

27.  wīitáʔuʔ na tawišaapiswaána

8. tawišaápis ( 2 x 4 ? )

28.  wīitáʔuʔ na tawišaápis

9. nooxiniiwaana (litː 10 less than one)

29.  wīitáʔuʔ na nooxiniiwaana

10. nooxíniʔ

30.  nasaáwiʔuʔ

11. nooxíniʔ na áxku

40.  nooxiniʔ na čiitíʔiš

12. nooxíniʔ na pítku

50.  pitkuxunaanuʔ na nooxíniʔ *

13. nooxíniʔ na táwit

60.  tawihkunaánuʔ (litː three bodies)

14. nooxíniʔ na čiitíʔiš

70.  tawihkunaánuʔ na nooxíniʔ

15. nooxíniʔ na šíhux

80.  čiitíʔištaanuʔ (litː four bodies)

16. nooxíniʔ na tšaápis

90.  čiitíʔištaanuʔ na nooxíniʔ

17. nooxíniʔ na tawišaapiswaána

100. šihúxtaánuʔ (litː five bodies)

18. nooxíniʔ na tawišaápis 

200.  pítkux šihúxtaánuʔ 

19. nooxíniʔ na nooxiniiwaana

1000. áxku nooxínaánuʔ ('one [ten] tens')

20. wītau' (litː one man)

2000. pítkux nooxínaánuʔ


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Douglas R. Park, Associate Director, American Indian Studies Research Institute Editor, Anthropological Linguistics, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, USA. July 30 2009.

提供资的语言: Prof. Douglas R. Park, 2009 年 7 月 30 日.


Other comments: Arikara or Arikaris, Sáhniš is a nearly extinct language spoken by 10 elderly only out of 94 ethnic population in North Dakota: Fort Berthold Reservation, mostly Parshall and White Shield. Arikara has a vigesimal system with special substructure for 7 and 8. The word 50 means ''two bodies and ten, i.e., two twenties plus ten''.

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