Language name and location: Aragonese, Aragon, Spain [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 阿拉贡语, 西班牙西北部阿拉贡自治区


1. un(o) [ˈun(o)] /una [ˈuna] (m./f.)

21.  bentiún [beɲtiˈun] / beɲtiˈuna]

2. dos [dos]  

22.  bentidós [beɲtiˈðos]

3. tres [tres]   

23.  bentitrés [beɲtiˈtres]

4. cuatro [ˈkwatro] 

24.  benticuatro [beɲtiˈkwatro]

5. zinco [θiŋko]

25.  bentizinco [[beɲtiˈθiŋko]

6. seis [sei̯s]

26.  bentiséis [beɲtiˈsei̯s]

7. siete [ˈsjete]

27.  bentisiete [beɲtiˈsjete]

8. güeito [gwei̯to] 

28.  bentigüeito [beɲtiˈɣwei̯to]

9. nueu [nweu]

29.  bentinueu [beɲtiˈnweu]

10. diez [djeθ]

30.  trenta [ˈtreɲta]

11. onze [ˈon̪θe]

40.  quaranta [kwaˈraɲta]

12. doze [ˈdoθe]

50.  cinquanta [θiŋˈkwaɲta]

13. treze [ˈtreθe]

60.  sisanta [siˈsaɲta]

14. catorze [kaˈtorθe]

70.  setanta [seˈtaɲa]

15. quinze [ˈkin̪θe]

80.  güitanta [gwitaɲta]

16. deziséis [ˈdeθiˈsei̯s] /seize [sei̯θe]

90.  nobanta [noˈβaɲta]

17. dezisiete[deθiˈsjete]

100. zien[sen]

18. dezigüeito [deθiˈɣwei̯to]

200. doszientos / doszientas (masc./fem.)

19. dezinueu [deθiˈnweu]

1000. mil[ˈmil]

20. bente [ˈbeɲte] 

2000. dosmil[dozˈmil]


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Francho Nagore, University of Zaragoza, Spain, September 6, 2002.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Francho Nagore, 2002 年 9 月 6 日


Other comments: Aragonese has a decimal system. 200. doszientos [dosˈθjeɲtos] / doszientas [dosˈθjeɲtas] (masc./fem.) Aragonese or Aragonés is spoken by approximately 25,000 speakers out of 1,500,000 ethnic population in Aragon autonomous community: Huesca and Zaragoza provinces, Spain.


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