Language name and locationː Western Apache, Arizona, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区西部阿帕奇语, 美国阿利桑拿州中东部一些印第安人保留地


1. dáłaʼá, dáłaʼé

21.  nɑdin łaʼ

2. nɑ́kih

22.  nɑdin nɑ́kih

3. tɑ̄ɑ̄ɡi

23.  nɑdin tɑ̄ɑ̄ɡi

4. dɪ̨̄ɪ̨̄ʼi

24.  nɑdin dɪ̨̄ɪ̨̄ʼi

5. ɑshdlaʼi, ishdlaʼi

25.  nɑdin ɑshdlɑʼi, nɑdin ɑshdlɑʼ

6. ɡostɑ́n

26.  nɑdin ɡostɑ́n

7. ɡostsʼidi, ɡostsʼiɡi

27.  nɑdin ɡostsʼidi

8. tsebīī, sebīī, sɑbīī

28.  nɑdin tsebīī

9. ɡóstʼɑ́í, ńɡóstʼɑ́í

29.  nɑdin ɡóstʼɑ́í

10. ɡoneznɑ́n, ɡoniinɑ́n, ɡonenɑ́n

30.  tɑ́din 

11. łaʼtsʼɑ́dɑh

40.  dizdin  

12. nɑ́kitsʼɑ́dɑh

50.  ɑshdlɑʼdin  

13. tɑ́tsʼɑ́dɑh

60.  ɡostą́din  

14. dɪ̨̄ɪ̨̄ʼtsʼɑ́dɑh

70.  ɡostsʼidin  

15. ɑshdlɑʼtsʼɑ́dɑh

80.  tsebídin  

16. ɡostɑ́tsʼɑ́dɑh

90.  ńɡóstʼɑ̄ɑ̄din, ńɡóstʼɑ́din

17. ɡostsʼidtsʼɑ́dɑh

100. ɡonenɑ́din, ɡoneznɑ́din

18. tsebīītsʼɑ́dɑh

200. nɑ́kih ɡonenɑ́din

19. ɡóstʼɑ́ítsʼɑ́dɑh

1000. doo nɑ́hó(l)tɑd dɑyú

20. nɑdin   ( < ''one person'' )

2000. nɑ́kih doo nɑ́hó(l)tɑd dɑyú


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Willem J. de Reuse, Review Editor, IJAL
Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Linguistics and Technical Communication, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA, June 8, 2009.
提供资的语言家: Prof. Willem J. de Reuse, 2009 年 6 月 8 日.


Other comments: Western Apache (Ndee biyáti’) is spoken by approximately 14,000 speakers in Arizona: several reservations east central, United States. The above data was taken from San Carlos Apache dialect. The American Phonetic symbols used areː Nasalization is indicated with a ''hook'' underneath the vowel and consonant glottalization is indicated with an apostrophe behind the consonant.

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