Language name and locationː Jicarilla Apache, New Mexico, USA [Ref to Ethnologue]言名称和分布地区吉卡里拉-阿帕奇语, 美国新墨西哥州道西区


1. dáåa'éé


2. náaki


3. kai'ɪ


4. dîî'i


5. ashdle


6. ɡoskán


7. ɡosts'idi


8. sâäbîî

28.  naadintsääbíí

9. nôöst'ai


10. ɡoneesnán

30.  káadin

11. åa'ts'áadi

40.  dîïshdin

12. naakidzáádih, náakits'áadi

50.  ashdladin

13. ká'ts'áadi,

60.  ɡoskádin

14. dï'ts'áadi

70.  ɡosts'idin

15. ashdla'áadi


16. ɡska'áadi

90.  nóost'adin

17. ɡosts'its'áadi

100. dálé'dikoo, 200. náakidikoo


500. ashdladikoo, 900. noost'ádikoo

19. noosts'its'áadi

1000. míiå or dáåe'dimiiå

20. náadin (< ''one person'' )

3000. káadikoo, million, miyóon


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Melissa Axelrod with Dr. Veronica Tiller (Native speaker of Jicarila), Department of Linguistics,  University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, August 18, 2021.
提供资的语言家: Prof. Melissa Axelrod, 2021 年 8 月 18 日.


Other comments: Jicarilla Apache (Abáachi mizaa) is spoken by approximately 500 speakers out of 3,000 ethnic population in New Mexico: Dulce area United States.

Jicarilla Apache has a decimal system. Note that the data was written in the American Phonetic Notation. Nasalization is indicated with a ''hook'' underneath the vowel and consonant glottalization is indicated with an apostrophe behind the consonant. Other hundreds areː six hundred goskâdikoo, seven hundred gosts'idikoo.

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