Language name and locationː Kwamba, Uganda, DRC [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. moti |
21. ɓwasi moti na mulu moti |
2. ɓalɪ |
22. |
3. salɔ |
23. |
4. ini |
24. |
5. tanɔ |
25. |
6. nkaɡa |
26. |
7. ntʃambu |
27. |
8. nanɛhɛ |
28. |
9. soɓi |
29. |
10. komi |
30. ɓwasi moti na komi (1 x 20+10) |
11. komi na mulu moti |
40. ɓwasi ɓalɪ ('twenty two') |
12. komi na mulu ɓalɪ |
50. ɓwasi ɓalɪ na komi |
13. komi na mulu salɔ |
60. ɓwasi salɔ ('twenty three') |
14. komi na mulu ini |
70. ɓwasi salɔ na komi |
15. komi na mulu tanɔ |
80. ɓwasi ini ('twenty four') |
16. komi na mulu nkaɡa |
90. ɓwasi ini na komi |
17. komi na mulu ntʃambu |
100. lʊka moti (literally: 'axe one') |
18. komi na mulu nanɛhɛ |
200. |
19. komi na mulu soɓi |
1000. ɓuebue |
20. ɓwasi moti ('twenty one') |
2000. |
Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Constance Kutsch Lojenga. SIL International. August 6, 2012, data collected in November 2012. 提供资料的语言学家: Dr. Constance Kutsch Lojenga. 2012 年 8 月 6 日. |
Other comments: Kwamba or Amba is spoken by approximately 47,000 speakers in Western Uganda and a bit in Eastern D. R. Congo, this language has a vigesimal system for counting with lower numerals 1 to 5 similar to those of Bhele (Pere) language. Only the numerals 2-5 take a plural prefix ɓɛ- ~ ɓe- when the noun is in the plural (only animate nouns have singular and plural forms; the plural prefix for the nouns is ɓa-) nkpa moti person one ɓakpa ɓɛɓalɪ people two ɓakpa ɓɛsalɔ people three ɓakpa ɓeini people four ɓakpa ɓɛtanɔ people five but for everything inanimate: no difference in sg/pl for the nouns, and no prefixation for the numerals. ndaɓɔ moti house one ndaɓɔ ɓalɪ house two ndaɓɔ sal? house three ndaɓɔ ini house four ndaɓɔ tanɔ house five 11 komi na mulu moti '10 and ? one' (meaning of mulu unknown) 20 ɓwasi moti 'twenty one=1 x 20' 21 ɓwasi moti na mulu moti 'twenty one and ? one = 1 x 20+1' 30 ɓwasi moti na komi 'twenty one and 10=1 x 20+10' 40 ɓwasi ɓalɪ 'twenty two=2 x 20' 50 ɓwasi ɓalɪ na komi 'twenty two and 10=2 x 20+10' 60 ɓwasi salɔ 'twenty three=3 x 20’ 70 ɓwasi salɔ na komi 'twenty three and 10 = 3 x 20+10' 80 ɓwasi ini 'twenty four=4 x 20' 90 ɓwasi ini na komi 'twenty four and 10=4 x 20+10' 100 ɓwasi moti 'hundred one =1 x 100', or literally: 'axe one' 1000 ɓebue thousand |
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