Language name and location: Aghem, NW region, Cameroon [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿格姆语, 喀麦隆西北区门春州乌姆中心区


1. mɔ̀ʔ

21.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mḿ̩bə̀ˠààɣɪ̀kòkə́mɔ̀?

2. bə̀ˠà

22.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mḿ̩bə̀ˠààɣɪ̀wǔ̞bœ̀ˠɔ̀

3. tə́ˠá

23.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mḿ̩bə̀ˠààɣɪ̀wǔ̞tœ́ˠá

4. tʃʲàkò

24.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mḿ̩bə̀ˠààɣɪ̀wǔ̞tʃœ́kò

5. tɛ̀ʲ

25.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mḿ̩bə̀ˠààɣɪ̀wǔ̞tʷɛ̀ʲ

6. tǔ̞ː

26.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mḿ̩bə̀ˠààɣɪ̀wǒtǔ̞ː

7. sə̀ˠàⁿbə̄ˠā

27.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mḿ̩bə̀ˠààɣɪ̀wǒsə̀ɣàⁿbə̄ˠā

8. ɪ́fǎː

28.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mḿ̩bə̀ˠààɣɪ̀wɪ̌fāː

9. tɛ̄ⁿdzū̞ˠū̞

29.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mḿ̩bə̀ˠààɣɪ̀wǒtɛ̄ⁿdzū̞ˠū̞

10. ɪ́ɣə̄m  

30.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mń̩tə́ˠá

11. ɪ́ɣə̄màɣɪ̀kòkə́mɔ̀?

40.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mń̩tʃʲàkò

12. ɪ́ɣə̄màɣɪ̀mòḿ̩bə̀ˠà

50.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mń̩tɛ̀ʲ

13. ɪ́ɣə̄màɣɪ̀mòń̩tə́ˠá

60.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mtǔ̞ː

14. ɪ́ɣə̄màɣɪ̀mòń̩tʃʲàkò

70.  ŋ̩́ɣə́msə̀ɣàⁿbə̄ˠā

15. ɪ́ɣə̄màɣɪ̀mòń̩tɛ̀ʲ

80.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mɪ̀fǎː

16. ɪ́ɣə̄màɣɪ̀mǒtǔ̞ː

90.  ŋ̩́ɣə́mtɛ̄ⁿdzū̞ˠū̞

17. ɪ́ɣə̄màɣɪ̀msǒɣàⁿbə̄ˠā

100. fə́bɔ̀m (anything) ~ fə́fu̝ː (100 frs) *

18. ɪ́ɣə̄màɣɪ̀mɪ̌fāː

200. ḿ̩bɔ̀mḿ̩bə̀ˠà

19. ɪ́ɣə̄màɣɪ̀mǒtɛ̄ⁿdzū̞ˠū̞

1000. kám

20. ŋ̩́ɣə́mḿ̩bə̀ˠà or wu̞ːwû̝ *

2000. tə́kámtə́bə̀ˠà


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Nelson Tschonghongei, Department of linguistics, University of Yaounde I / the Aghem Language Development Committee (ALDEC), members in Wum, through Dr. Pierpaolo Di Carlo, Department of Linguistics, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, USA. July 29, 2012.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Nelson Tschonghongei, 2012 年 7 月 29 日.


Other comments: Aghem or Wum is spoken by approximately 39,000 speakers in  North West region: Menchum division, Wum Central subdivision, Wum area, Cameroon.

The modern Aghem numeral system is decimal. There are option for the number 20 wu̞ːwu̝ etymologically means 'human body'), this means that Aghem might have a traditional numeral system based on twenty before. There is an option for 100 fə́fu̝ː used to count of money. Other higher numbers areː fə́kʷə́n for 1000.000 and bàŋ for 1000.000.000. Note that there are six tones in Aghemː High tone v́, Mid tone V̄, Low tone V̀, Falling tone V̂, Rising tone V̌ and High mid v.

Language name and location: Aghem, NW region, Cameroon [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿格姆语, 喀麦隆西北区门春州乌姆中心区


1. mɒ̀ʔ

21.  wóʔó wû àɣè tɔ̀ tɨ́ mɒ̀ʔ

2. bɨ̀ɣà

22.  wóʔó wû àɣè tɔ̀ tɨ́ bə̀ɣə́

3. tɨ́ɣá

23.  wóʔó wû àɣè tɔ̀ tɨ́ tɨ́ɣá

4. cìakɔ̀

24.  wóʔó wû àɣè tɔ̀ tɨ́ cìakɔ̀

5. tɛ̀

25.  wóʔó wû àɣè tɔ̀ tɨ́ tɛ̀

6. tǒo

26.  wóʔó wû àɣè tɔ̀ tɨ́ tǒo

7. sɨ̀ɣàmbɨ̀ɣà

27.  wóʔó wû àɣè tɔ̀ tɨ́ sɨ̀ɣàmbɨ̀ɣà

8. ɛ́ʔfáa

28.  wóʔó wû àɣè tɔ̀ tɨ́ ɛ́ʔfáa

9. tèndzùɣò

29.  wóʔó wû àɣè tɔ̀ tɨ́ tèndzùɣò

10. é-ʔɣɨ́m

30.  ŋ́-ʔɣɨ́m ǹ-tɨ́ɣá

11. é-ʔɣɨ́m àɣɛ̀ zě mɒ̀ʔ

40.  ŋ́-ʔɣɨ́m ǹ-cìakɔ̀

12. é-ʔɣɨ́m àɣɛ̀ zě bɨ̀ɣà

50.  ŋ́-ʔɣɨ́m ǹ-tɛ̀

13. é-ʔɣɨ́m àɣɛ̀ zě tɨ́ɣá

60.  ŋ́-ʔɣɨ́m ǹ-tǒo

14. é-ʔɣɨ́m àɣɛ̀ zě cìakɔ̀

70.  ŋ́-ʔɣɨ́m ǹ-sɨ̀ɣàmbɨ̀ɣà

15. é-ʔɣɨ́m àɣɛ̀ zě tɛ̀

80.  ŋ́-ʔɣɨ́m ǹ-ɛ́ʔfáa

16. é-ʔɣɨ́m àɣɛ̀ zě tǒo

90.  ŋ́-ʔɣɨ́m ǹ-tèndzùɣò

17. é-ʔɣɨ́m àɣɛ̀ zě sɨ̀ɣàmbɨ̀ɣà

100. bɒ̀m ~ bɒ̀ɒ ndâŋɡà

18. é-ʔɣɨ́m àɣɛ̀ zě ɛ́ʔfáa


19. é-ʔɣɨ́m àɣɛ̀ zě tèndzùɣò

1000. tɨ́bɒ́ è-ʔɣɨ́m (100 x 10)

20. wóʔó wû  *



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Domché Teko Engelbert, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon, November 26, 1996.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Domché Teko Engelbert, 1996 年 11 月 26 日.


Other comments: Aghem has a decimal system. The Aghem number 'twenty' is irregular and etymologically means 'body of a person' = 10 fingers and 10 toes. The remaining decades are forms by ŋ́-ʔɣɨ́m + the numbers 3 through 9.


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