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Accommodation Getting there Visas Abstracts


Participants are expected to make their own arrangements for accommodation in Jambi.

Since ISMIL 19 will be held at the Novita hotel, this is also the obvious choice for participants seeking an up-market place to stay:

Novita Hotel
Jl. Gatot Subroto 14
Tel: 0741-27208
Fax: 0741-27209
Published Rates: 1,020,000 - 3,300,000 Rps
Special Rate for Conference Participants: 600,000 Rps (net)

Participants seeking cheaper or alternative accommodation options may choose from the following hotels, all within a 1-5 minute walking distance from the Novita. The hotels are listed in roughly decreasing order of price. Quotations are mostly 2014 walk-in prices and may or may not include tax. In many cases it may be possible to obtain a substantial discount, either online or else upon arrival.

Abadi Suite
Jl Prof. HMO Bafadhal 111
Tel: 0741-7555800
Fax: 0741-7555255
Published Rates: 925,000 - 10,000,000 Rps

Jl Gatot Subroto 92-98 (across street from Novita)
Tel: 0741-25600
Fax: 0741-23065
Published Rates: 310,000 - 3,500,000 Rps

Grand Malioboro
Jl Iskandar Muda 168 (in market behind Novita)
Tel: 0741-32936
Fax: 0741-26334
Published Rates: 280,000 - 750,000 Rps

Jl. Ratulangi 65-68
Tel: 0741-7555918
Fax: 0741-7555919
Published Rates: 260,000 - 600,000 Rps

Pundi Rezeki
Jl Iskandar Muda 88 (behind Novita)
Tel: 0741-7550538
Fax: 0741-7550539
Published Rates: 180,000 - 378,000 Rps

Jl Gatot Subroto (facing Abadi parking lot, across street from Novita)
Tel: 741-23161
Fax: 741-23169
Published Rates: 170,000 - 350,000 Rps

Jl Gatot Subroto 54-55
Tel: 0741-26929
Published Rates: 165,000 - 300,000 Rps

Matahari 2
Jl Prof. HMO Bafadhal 108 (across street from Novita)
Tel: 0741-22763
Fax: 0741-7552416
Published Rates: 132,000 - 360,000 Rps

Jambi Raya
Jl Camar I 45-48 (behind Novita)
Tel: 0741-34971
Fax: 0741-34972
Published Rates: 100,000 - 350,000 Rps

Jl Gatot Subroto 132 (across street from Novita)
Tel: 0741-22032
Published Rates: 100,000 - 250,000 Rps

Jl Iskandar Muda, Lorong Camar II (behind Novita)
Tel: 0741-25545
Fax: 0741-33956
Published Rates: 100,000 - 160,000 Rps

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Page last modified: 6 December 2014, Melbourne