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 Thursday 21 June
1730 transportation from Clarion Hotel
1830 - Welcome reception hosted by Women's Association of Sri Lankan Malays (Sasakawa Memorial Sri Lanka - Japan Cultural Centre)
 Friday 22 June
0900 - 0950 registration
0930 -1000 refreshments
0950 - 1000 opening
 Session 1
1000 - 1030What do we mean when we say 'Malay'?
Scott Paauw
University of Rochester, NY, USA
1030 - 1100Basic and derivative varieties of Malay/Indonesian
David Gil
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
1100 - 1130Multi-stylistic language use in contemporary Indonesian media
Michael Ewing
University of Melbourne, Australia
1130 - 1200Local identity, local languages, regional Malay, and the endangerment of local languages in eastern Indonesia
John Bowden
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Jakarta, Indonesia
1200 - 1330 lunch
 Session 2
1330 - 1400Usage of English you and I in urban Malay codes in Malaysia
Sarah Lee
Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
1400 - 1430A study of the role of the Malay language and the influence of extra-linguistic factors in language usage in Sri Lanka
Tinaz Amit
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
1430 - 1500Malays of the East and Malays of the West: more alike than different? Discussing the vitality of the Sri Lanka Malay language in two provinces
Romola Rassool
University of Melbourne, Australia
1500 - 1530 refreshments
 Panel Discussion
1530 - 1700Sri Lanka Malay Sociolinguistics
Dinali Fernando,David Gil, Manique Gunesekera, Romola Rasool
 Saturday 23 June
0930 - 1000 refreshments
 Session 3
1000 - 1030Tone of voice in Malaysian
Mark Campana* and Janet Yong^
*Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan; ^Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China.
1030 - 1100A survey of phonation driven vowel shifts in traditional Malay(ic)
Tim McKinnon
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Jakarta, Indonesia
1100 - 1130Divergent varieties of Malay in upstream Jambi
Tim McKinnon*, Yanti^, Peter Cole° and Gabriella Hermon°
*Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Jakarta, Indonesia; ^Universitas Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia; °University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
1130 - 1200Notes on Malayic Suku Laut dialectology
Karl Anderbeck
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia
1200 - 1330 lunch
 Session 4
1330 - 1400The lexical sources of Sri Lanka Malay revisited
Christine Wingrove, Cihangir Okuyan and Scott Paauw
University of Rochester, NY, USA
1400 - 1430Phonological cover-up: undoing sound changes in Sri Lanka Malay
Sebastian Nordhoff
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
1430 - 1500The significance of Sri Lankan Malay and the importance of explicit process models
Peter Slomanson
Aarhus University, Denmark
1500 - 1530 refreshments
 Panel Discussion
1530 - 1700Sri Lanka Malay Historical Linguistics
David Gil, Shahul Hasbullah, B.A. (Abdul) Hussainmiya, Peter Slomanson, Uri Tadmor
1700 - 1730 Business meeting
 Sunday 24 June
 Session 5
0930 - 1000 refreshments
1000 - 1030More on The Aspectual Role of the Nasal Prefix in Jakarta Indonesian
Thomas Conners
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
1030 - 1100Towards a semantic analysis of the aspectual marker dah in Colloquial Malay
Hooi Ling Soh
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
1100 - 1130Indication of plurality in Indonesian as observed in Indonesian school textbooks
Asako Shiohara
ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
1130 - 1200When Love and Hate agree with each other : Their metaphorical conceptualizations in Indonesian
Tessa Yuditha
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Jakarta, Indonesia
1200 - 1330 lunch
 Session 6
1330 - 1400Indonesian Blends
Barli Bram
Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
1400 - 1430Consonants in Malay rhythmic reduplication
Hiroki Nomoto and Ayaka Shirota
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
1430 - 1500Language profiles of two Sri Lankan Malay-speaking adults poststroke
Shyamani Hettiarachchi
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
1500 - 1530 refreshments
 Panel Discussion
1530 - 1700Sri Lanka Malay Grammar
Sebastian Nordhoff, Peter Slomanson
1700 - 1730 Cultural performance and closing ceremony
1800 - 1930What Is the Future of Sri Lankan Malay? (A post-ISMIL event for the local community; ISMIL participants welcome to attend)
David Gil, Peter Slomanson

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Page last modified: 17 June 2012, Sydney