Edith Aldridge
Phrase-Based Account of Extraction in Indonesian
Bambang Kaswanti Purwo
Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya, Jakarta
On the Difference between 'Kemudian' and 'Lalu' in Older Malay
Sandy Chung
University of California, Santa Cruz
Malay/Indonesian Syntax from an Austronesian Perspective
Abigail Cohn
Cornell University
Phonological structure of Indonesian abbreviations "singkatan"
Peter Cole and Gabriella Hermon
University of Delaware
Voice in Malay/Indonesian
Thomas J. Conners
Yale University and Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Jakarta
Contact Induced Change: The Varying Effects of Indonesian on Javanese Dialects
William Davies
Characterizing Madurese Reflexives vis-à-vis Indonesian
Ann Delilkan
Coda Preservation in Head Feel: Fusion and Other Segmental Processes
Craig Dressler
The Structure of Indonesian and Javanese DPs and N-Adj Adjunction
Karthik Durvasula, Ji-Hyun Jun, Tim McKinnon, and Elanna Tseng
University of Delaware
The Status of Schwa in Kuching Malay
Catherine R. Fortin
University of Michigan
Variation in Control into Subordinate Clauses in Indonesian
David Gil
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
Why You Can Drink a Book in Malay/Indonesian (but Not in English)
Yoonhee Kang
University of Pennsylvania
Collecting Honey with Love Songs: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Petalangan Honey-Collecting Ritual, Menumbai
Sachie Kotani, Sean Madigan and Masahiro Yamada
University of Delaware
The Reflexive and Pronominal System of Kuching Malay
Lanny Hidayat
University of Delaware
The Indonesian Non-agentive Eventive Construction: an Analysis of 'ke-an' Verbs
Alan Lee
Is Malay nasal substitution phonetically natural?
Hiroki Nomoto
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
The Structure of Complex Existential Sentences in Malay
Ozge Ozturk, Nadya Pincus, Masahiro Yamada, and Yanti
University of Delaware
A Typological Study of Argument-Adjunct Asymmetry in Wh-Questions: How Kuching Malay Compares
Scott Paauw
University at Buffalo
Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa Satu Bahasa: An Analysis of Indonesias Language Policy
Ileana Paul
University of Western Ontario
The Ergativity Continuum: From Tagalog to Bahasa Indonesia, by Way of Malagasy
Eric Potsdam and Maria Polinsky
Crossed Control in Indonesian and Malagasy
Rogayah A. Razak, Marina Malek, and Fairus Mukhtar
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
The Acquisition of Wh-Questions amongst Malay Preschool Children
Peter Slomanson
The City University of New York
The Perfect Construction and Complexity Drift in Sri Lankan Malay
Antonia Soriente
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Jakarta
Cross-Linguistic and Cognitive Factors in the Acquisition of Wh-Questions in an Italian-Indonesian Bilingual Child
Diana Stojanovic
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Building Corpus of Spoken Bahasa Indonesia for Phonetic and Phonological Research
Uri Tadmor
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Jakarta
Notes on the Etymology of the Malay-Indonesian Suffix '-kan'
Lisa Travis
Indonesian as a Covert Predicate Fronting Language
Juliana Wijaya
The Constructions of Direct Reported Speech in Conversational Indonesian: Verbal Markers and Discourse Practices
John Wolff
The Role of Malay in the Establishment of Proto-Austronesian Phonology and Vocabulary
Yusrita Yanti
Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang
Varieties of Address Forms in Minangkabau Community