Language name and location: Zia, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区齐亚语, 巴布亚新几内亚莫罗贝省


1. dekãõka

2. etobe

3. etama

4. sĩwõ patiɡe

5. wãwõ zo  (litː ''one hand'')

6. wãwõ zore wãwõ zora ɡitaure (litː ''one hand and a finger'')

7. wãwõ zore wãwõ zora sorore ɡitaure

8. wãwõ zore wãwõ zora XXXXre sorore ɡitaure

9. wãwõ zore wãwõ za patai (Unkown to me)

10. wãwõ eto (litː ''two hands'' )

11. 11 to 14 (Unkown to me)

15. wãwõ eto te zora wãwõ ɡitaure  ??

16. 16 to 19 (Unkown to me)

20. emo zo  ( litː ''man one'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Darryl Wilson. SIL International, Papua New Guinea. June 13, 2011.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Darryl Wilson. 2011 年 6 月 13 日.


Other comments: Zia is spoken by about 6,000 speakers in Huon Gulf district, Morobe Patrol Post station near Waria river mouth; downstream from Oro province, Morobe province, Papua New Guinea. Zia has a digit-tally system with at least two numerals, 1, 2, 3 appears to have a '2 plus x' construction where 'x' is not identical to the numeral 1. The translation of 4 is uncertainː it may be a distinct numeral or it may have a body-part reference (e.g. ''little finger bent', thumb', etc). The number words from 5 and 19 each might contain 'hand' or 'arm' morpheme 'wãwõ' and have the translations 'hand one' and 'hands two' respectively. For 15, wãwõ eto te zo, i.e. 'hand(s) two foot one 'where 'te' is 'foot' morpheme. The number word for 20 is 'emo zo', 'emo' is 'man'.

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