Language name and location: Yawa, Yapen island, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区雅瓦语, 印度尼西亚尼巴布亚省雅瓦岛中部


1. intabo

21.  vatan intabo eyane intabo

2. jirum *

22.  vatan intabo eyane jirum

3. mandeij

23.  vatan intabo eyane mandeij

4. mambisy

24.  vatan intabo eyane mambisy

5. radani 

25.  vatan intabo eyane radani  

6. kaujentabo  (5 + 1)

26.  vatan intabo eyane kaujentabo

7. kaujiru        (5 + 2)

27.  vatan intabo eyane kaujiru

8. kaumandeij  (5 + 3)

28.  vatan intabo eyane kaumandeij

9. kaimambisy  (5 + 4)

29.  vatan intabo eyane kaimambisy

10. abusyin

30.  vatan intabo eyane abusyin

11. abusyin eyane intabo

40.  vatane jirum (''two people'')

12. abusyin eyane jirum

50.  vatane jirum eyane  abusyin

13. abusyin eyane mandeij

60.  vatane mandeij (''three people'')

14. abusyin eyane mambisy

70.  vatane mandeij eyane  abusyin

15. abusyin eyane radani  

80.  vatane mambisy (''four people'')

16. abusyin eyane kaujentabo

90.  vatane mambisy eyane  abusyin

17. abusyin eyane kaujiru

100. vatane radani (''five people'')

18. abusyin eyane kaumandeij


19. abusyin eyane kaimambisy


20. vatan intabo (''one person'')



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Larry Jones, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Indonesia, March 6, 1997.

提供资的语言家: Dr. Larry Jones, 1997 年 3 月 6 日.


Other comments: Yawa has a counting based on twenty, note that the words ''vatan intabo'' means ''one person'' referring to 20 digits on hands and feet. Nowadays, the villagers use borrowings from Bahasa Indonesia for numbers get beyond twenty. Noteː the ''j'' is the same as in Bahasa Indonesia, =IPA []. Yawa is not a tonal language.

Yawa is spoken by approximately 10,000 speakers in some villages in central Yapen island, Papua province, Indonesia.,

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