Language name and location: Ninia Yali, Papua, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. mɪ'sɪʔ (litː 'pinky finger') |
2. piˈrɛn (litː 'ring finger') |
3. hɪna'hən (litː 'middle finger') |
4. u'hən (litː 'index finger') |
5. fu'wab (litː 'thumb') |
6. falfa'lik (litː 'wrist-right hand') |
7. sa'bɪt (litː 'forearm') |
8. lɪ'kɪn (litː 'elbow') |
9. sɔ'hɔ (litː 'arm') |
10. num (litː 'shoulder') |
11. naŋkɔ'lɔp (litː 'neck') |
12. nɪsaŋ'kɔ (litː 'ear') |
13. nu'wal (litː 'side of the head, above the ear') |
14. nuŋˌkul hu'rik (litː 'the crown / top of the head') |
15. nuˌwal hu'maʔ (litː 'other side of the head, above the ear-left side') |
16. nisaŋˌkɔ hu'maʔ (litː 'ear'), 17. naŋkoˌlop hu'maʔ (litː 'neck') |
18. num hu'maʔ (litː 'shoulder'), 19. sɔˌhɔ hu'maʔ ( 'arm'), 20. lɪ'kɪn hu'maʔ (litː elbow) |
21. saˌbɪt hu'maʔ (litː 'forearm'), 22. falfaˌlɪk hu'maʔ (litː 'wrist') |
23. fu'wab hu'maʔ (litː 'thumb'), 24. uhu'neʔ (litː 'index finger') |
25. hɪˌnaha'neʔ (litː 'middle finger'), 26. pire'neʔ (litː 'ring finger') |
27. tɛŋ mɪ'sɪʔ (litː 'pinky finger twice') |
Linguist providing
data and dateː Dr.
Yusuf Sawaki,
提供资料的语言学家: Dr. Yusuf Sawaki, 2010 年 5 月 26 日. |
Other comments: Central Yali or Middle Yali or Ninia Yali is spoken by approximately 10,000 speakers in Holuwon, Lolat, and Ninia villages, central highlands, Papua province, Indonesia. Central Yali,or Ninia Yali has a body-tally system. 1. Central Yali,or Ninia Yali occupies the body counting system. The basic numbers in Central Yali is 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and belong 5 is body-based counting system. 2. Central Yali only structures their counting on the basis of upper parts of body including fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, and head. It starts from one side of another side continuously. 3. The Yalis start to count from the right pinky finger and move across the head and end up to the left pinky). Stop in 27 & to count it again one should repeat from 1 to 27 again. So, Middle Yali’s counting system is based on 27. One can go head and count the number more than 27 by starting again from 1 and stop in 27 by multiplying the set (1-27), as such multiplicities: teng piren =54 (27+27=54); teng hinahan=81 (27+27+27=81); teng hinahan inim soho humag=100 (27+27+27+14=100); teng likinen=216; teng numen=270; teng-teng angge likin humag inim nungkul huriken=500; teng-teng angge likin humag piren inim uhaneg humahen=1000.
Middle Yali Phonetic Chart: Consonantsː
w = voiced labialized velar approximant Vowelsː
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