Language name and locationː Waddara, Andhra Pradesh, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区瓦达尔, 印度安得拉邦, 卡納塔克邦马哈拉施特拉邦


1. okaʈi

21.  iːruvay okaʈi

2. roɳɖu

22.  iːruvay roɳɖu

3. muːɖu

23.  iːruvay muːɖu

4. naːlɡu

24.  iːruvay naːlɡu

5. aydu

25.  iːruvay aydu

6. aːru

26.  iːruvay aːru

7. yeːɭu

27.  iːruvay yeːɭu

8. enimidi

28.  iːruvay enimidi

9. tommidi

29.  iːruvay tommidi

10. padi

30.  muppay

11. podukoɳɖu

40.  nalabay

12. pannoɳɖu

50.  yaːbay

13. padmuːɖu

60.  arvay

14. padnaːlɡu

70.  ɖebbay

15. podaydu

80.  enimidi

16. padaːru

90.  tombay

17. podieːɭu

100. nuːri, 200. roɳɖu nuːru  

18. podieɳʈu 400. naːlɡu nuːru, 800. enimidi nuːru

19. podombattu

1000. savra

20. iːruvay

2000. roɳɖu savra


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Basavaraja Kodagunti, Department of Kannada, Coordinator, Linguistics Programs, Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga- 585106, Karnataka, India. August 25, 2020.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Basavaraja Kodagunti, 2020 年 8 月 25 日.


Other comments: Waddara or Vadari has a decimal numeral system similar to that of the Telugu language. Vadari is close to Telugu, of SDR-II, it is mainly used in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and in Karnataka, it is also found in bordering states like Maharashtra. 2011 Indian census has recorded 1,98,020 speakers for Vadari. This is also spelled as Vaddar, Waddar, etc.


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