Language name and locationː Udmurt, Udmurtia Rep., Russia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 乌德穆尔特语, 俄罗斯联邦乌德穆尔特共和国及塔塔尔斯坦境内


1. odiɡ

21.  kɨzʲ odiɡ

2. kɨk

22.  kɨzʲ kɨk

3. ku̯inʲ

23.  kɨzʲ ku̯inʲ

4. nʲɨliʲ

24.  kɨzʲ nʲɨliʲ

5. vitʲ

25.  kɨzʲ vitʲ

6. ku̯atʲ

26.  kɨzʲ ku̯atʲ

7. sʲizʲɨm

27.  kɨzʲ sʲizʲɨm

8. tʲamɨs

28.  kɨzʲ tʲamɨs

9. ukmɨs

29.  kɨzʲ ukmɨs

10. das

30.  ku̯amɨn

11. das odiɡ

40.  nʲɨlʲdon

12. das kɨk

50.  vitʲton

13. das ku̯inʲ

60.  ku̯atʲton

14. das nʲɨliʲ

70.  sʲizʲɨmdon

15. das vitʲ

80.  tʲamɨston

16. das ku̯atʲ

90.  ukmɨston

17. das sʲizʲɨm

100. sʲu

18. das tʲamɨs

200. kɨk sʲu

19. das ukmɨs

1000. sʲurs

20. kɨzʲ

2000. kɨk sʲurs


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Ago Künnap, University of Tartu, Estonia, December 7, 1997.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Ago Künnap, 1992 年 12 月 7 日.


Other comments: Udmurt has a decimal numeral system similar to that of Komi. Udmurt is a Permic language spoken by the Udmurt people who are native to Udmurtia.

In 2010, as per the Russian census, there were around 324,000 speakers of the language in the country, out of the ethnic population of roughly 554,000, spoken in

Udmurtia republic, near Ural Mountains, bounded by Kama and Cheptsa rivers, and Tatarstan republic, Russian Federation,


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