Language name and locationː Ubykh, Istanbul province, Turkey [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区乌比克语, 土耳其西北部伊斯坦堡省马尔马拉海区一个村庄


1. zɑ

21.  ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.tʷʼ.ɑlɑ zɑlɑ

2. tʼqʷʼɑ

22.  ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.tʷʼ.ɑlɑ tʼqʷʼɑlɑ

3. ɕɑ

23.  ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.tʷʼ.ɑlɑ ɕɑ.lɑ

4. pʼɬʼə

24.  ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.tʷʼ.ɑlɑ pʼɬʼɑlɑ

5. ʃχə

25.  ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.tʷʼ.ɑlɑ ʃχɑlɑ

6. fə

26.  ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.tʷʼ.ɑlɑ fɑlɑ

7. blə

27.  ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.tʷʼ.ɑlɑ blɑlɑ

8. ʁʷɑ

28.  ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.tʷʼ.ɑlɑ ʁʷɑlɑ

9. bʁʲə

29.  ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.tʷʼ.ɑlɑ bʁʲɑlɑ


30.  tʼqʷʼɑ.ˈtʷʼ.ɑlɑ ʒʷɑlɑ (20+10)

11. ˈʒʷə.zɑ

40.  tʼqʷʼɑ.mtɕʼɑ.tʼqʷʼɑ.ˈtʷʼə  (2 x 20)

12. ˈʒʷə.tʼqʷʼɑ

50.  tʼqʷʼɑ.mtɕʼɑ.tʼqʷʼɑ.ˈtʷʼ.ɑlɑ ʒʷɑlɑ

13. ˈʒʷə.ɕɑ

60.  ɕɑ.mtɕʼɑ.tʼqʷʼɑ.ˈtʷʼə (3 x 20)

14. ʒʷə.pʼɬʼ

70.  ɕɑ.mtɕʼɑ.tʼqʷʼɑ.ˈtʷʼ.ɑlɑ ʒʷɑlɑ

15. ʒʷə.ʃχ

80.  pʼɬʼə.mtɕɑʼ.tʼqʷʼɑ.ˈtʷʼə (4 x 20)

16. ʒʷə.f

90.  pʼɬʼə.mtɕʼɑ.tʼqʷʼɑ.ˈtʷʼ.ɑlɑ ʒʷɑlɑ

17. ʒʷə.bl

100. ʃʷɑ

18. ʒʷə.ʁʷɑ

200. ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.ʃʷɑ

19. ˈʒʷə.bʁʲ

1000. min / məjn < Turkic

20. tʼqʷʼɑ.tʷʼə

2000. ˈtʼqʷʼɑ.məjn


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Viacheslav Chirikba, Russian Academy of Sciences and University of Leiden, Netherlands, 1991. February 10, 2017. Phonetic transcriptions refer to Prof. George Hewitt, 2004 " Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus", LINCOM EUROPA.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Viacheslav Chirikba, 1991 年, 2017 年 2 月 10 日.


Other comments: Ubykh has a vigesimal systemUbykh, or Ubyx (also known as Ubijé in Turkey, or Pekhi), is an extinct Northwest Caucasian language once spoken by the Ubykh tribe of Circassians (who originally lived along the eastern coast of the Black Sea before being deported en masse to Turkey in the Circassian genocide). Ubykh became Extinct on 7 October 1992, with the death of Tevfik Esen, the last speaker of

the Ubykh language in Haci Osman village, Sea of Marmara area, Istanbul province, Turkey.


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