Language name and locationː Tsakhur, Russia, Azerbaijan [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区查胡尔语, 俄罗斯联邦达吉斯坦共和国, 阿塞拜疆北部卡希区


1. sɑ-d *

21.  ɢɑjiqʼʷsːɑ-d

2. qʼɔˤ-d

22.  ɢɑjiqˤʷɑˤ-d

3. xʲeb-ɨd

23.  ɢɑjixʲeb-ɑd

4. jɔqʼ-ud

24.  ɢɑjijɔqʼʷɑ-d

5. xɔ-d

25.  ɢɑjixʷɑ-d

6. jix-ɨd (jɨx-ɨd) **

26.  ɢɑjijix-ɨd- or simply ɢɑiːx-ɨd 

7. jiɣ-ɨd

27.  ɢɑjijiɣ-ɨd or simply ɢɑiːɣ-ɨd

8. mɔlʲ-ud

28.  ɢɑjimɔlʲ-ud

9. juˤt͡ʃʼ-uˤd ***

29.  ɢɑjijuˤt͡ʃʼ-uˤd

10. jit͡sʼ-ɨd

30.  xʲebt͡sʼɑlʲ

11. jit͡sʼɨsːɑ-d

40.  jɔqʼt͡sʼɑlʲ

12. jit͡sʼɨqʼɑˤ-d

50.  xɔt͡sʼɑlʲ

13. jit͡sʼɨxʲeb-ɑd

60.  jixt͡sʼɑlʲ

14. jit͡sʼɨjɔqʼʷ-ɔd

70.  jiɣt͡sʼɑlʲ

15. jit͡sʼɨxʷ-ɑd

80.  mɔlʲt͡sʼɑlʲ

16. jit͡sʼɨjix-ɨd

90.  juˤt͡ʃʼɑlʲ

17. jit͡sʼɨjiɣ-ɨd

100. vɑˤʃ, 200. qʼɔˤd vɑˤʃ

18. jit͡sʼɨmɔlʲ-ud

400. jɔqʼud vɑˤʃ, 800. mɔlʲud vɑˤʃ

19. jit͡sʼɨjuˤt͡ʃʼ-uˤd

1000. ɑːzɨr < from Iranian

20. ɢɑ-lːe

2000. qʼɔˤd ɑːzɨr


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Roman Kim, SIL International, January 11, 2017.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Roman Kim, 2017 年 1  11 .


Other comments: Tsakhur is spoken by approximately 18,000 speakers in Qax and Zaqatala districts, Azerbaijan, as well as in Dagestan Republic, Russian Federation. Tsakhur has a decimal numeral system.
As for the last suffix (-d) it is up to you to decide, if the vowel is included or not.
   2. For number 6, wherever there is ji/jɨ combination I always wondered if it is [i] or
       some kind of centrilized closed vowel, may be [I] .
   3. For number 9, I am not matching affricates with the sign. 

Language name and locationː Tsakhur, Russia, Qakh, Azerbaijan [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区查胡尔语, 俄罗斯联邦达吉斯坦共和国, 阿塞拜疆北部卡希区


1. sɑ-

21.  ɢɑjissɑ-

2. qˤʼo-

22.  ɢɑjiqˤʼo-

3. xeb-

23.  ɢɑjixeb-

4. joqʼu-

24.  ɢɑji joqʼu-

5. xo-

25.  ɢɑji xo-

6. jixɨ-

26.  ɢɑji jixɨ-

7. jiɣɨ-

27.  ɢɑji jiɣɨ-

8. molʲu-

28.  ɢɑji molʲu-

9. juˤt͡ʃʼu-

29.  ɢɑji juˤt͡ʃʼu-

10. jit͡sʼɨ-

30.  xebt͡sʼɑlʲ

11. t͡sʼɨsɑ-

40.  joqʼt͡sʼɑlʲ

12. t͡sʼɨqˤʼɑ-

50.  xot͡sʼɑlʲ

13. t͡sʼɨxebɑ-

60.  jɨxt͡sʼɑlʲ

14. t͡sʼɑːqʷʼɑ-

70.  jiɣt͡sʼɑlʲ

15. t͡sʼuxːɑ-

80.  molʲt͡sʼɑlʲ

16. t͡sʼijxɑ-

90.  juˤt͡ʃʼɑlʲ

17. t͡sʼijiɣɑ-

100. wɑˤʃ

18. t͡sʼɨmole-


19. t͡sʼijt͡ʃʷʼɑ-

1000. ɑːzɨr  < from Iranian

20. ɢɑ



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Sandro V. Kodzasov, Institute for Russian language, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, October 9, 1997.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Sandro V. Kodzasov, 1997 年 10 9 .


Other comments: Tsakhur has a decimal numeral system. Tsakhur is spoken by approximately 18,000 speakers in Qax and Zaqatala districts, Azerbaijan, as well as in Dagestan Republic, Russian Federation.


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