Language name and location: Tifal, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区蒂法尔语, 巴布亚新几内亚巴布亚桑道恩省及西部省


1. makop (litː 'left little finger')

21.  fet mali foko ('right lower arm')

2. alep (litː 'ring finger')

22.  bukup mali foko ('right wrist')

3. asumano (litː 'middle finger')

23.  awak mali foko ('right thumb')

4. atailingkal (litː 'index finger')

24.  atailing mali foko ('right index finger')

5. awakal (litː 'thumb')

25.  asumano mali ('right middle finger')

6. bukupkal (litː 'wrist')

26.  alep mali foko ('right ringer finger')

7. fetkal  (litː 'lower arm')

27.  makop madi ('right little finger')

8. oklungkal (litː 'elbow')

28.  deng

9. betikal (litː 'upper arm')


10. nakalkal (litː 'shoulder')


11. kumkal ('neck')


12. talangkal (litː 'ear')


13. tiinkal (litː 'eye')


14. miilt / mutum (litː 'nose')


15. tiin madi (litː 'right eye')


16. taliang mali foko foko ('right ear')


17. kum mali foko (litː 'right neck')


18. nakal mali foko (litː 'right shoulder')


19. beti mali foko ('right upper arm')


20. oklung mali foko ('right wrist')



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. All Boush, SIL International, Papua New Guinea. May 24, 2011.

提供资的语言家: Mr. All Boush, 2011 年 5 月 24 日.


Other comments: Tifal is spoken by approximately 3,600 speakers in Telefomin district, south of Sepik river, Sandaun province, as well as North Fly district, Western province, Papua New Guinea. Tifal has a 27 cycle body-part tally system and the middle point is at the nose. Please note that 27 is considered one full unit. They might say deng alep (two unites of 27) but after that is mostly using the term 'many' or some English equivalent as the counting does become somewhat unwieldy.

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