Language name and locationː Temiar, Perak, Malaya Peninsula [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区特米亚尔语, 马来西亚马来半岛彭亨州, 吉兰丹州及登嘉楼州


1. nɛy

21.  nar puloh nɛy  ???

2. naːr

22.  nar puloh naːr  ???

3. nɛʔ

23.  nar puloh nɛʔ  ???

4. əmpat (< Malay)

24.  nar puloh əmpat

5. lima (< Malay)

25.  nar puloh lima

6. ənnam (< Malay)

26.  nar puloh ənnam

7. tuɟoh (< Malay)

27.  nar puloh tuɟoh

8. lapan (< Malay)

28.  nar puloh lapan

9. səmbilan (< Malay)

29.  nar puloh səmbilan

10. nɛy puluh   

30.  nɛʔ puloh ??

11. nɛy bəlas  ???

40.  əmpat puloh

12. nar bəlas

50.  lima puloh

13. nɛʔ bəlas    ???

60.  ənnam puloh

14. əmpat bəlas

70.  tuɟoh puloh

15. lima bəlas

80.  lapan puloh

16. ənnam bəlas

90.  simbilan puloh

17. tuɟoh bəlas

100. nɛy ratus

18. lapan bəlas

200. naːr ratus  ???

19. simbilan bəlas

1000. nɛy ribu  ???

20. nar puluh

2000. naːr ribu  ???


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Gerard Diffloth, University of Chicago, USA, January 18, 1983
Reference sourceː Means, Paul B, 1977. A Comparative Linguistics Study of three Malayan Aboriginal Tribes.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Gerard Diffloth, 1983 年 1月 18 日.


Other comments: Temiar is spoken by approximately 32,000 speakers in Kelantan, Pahang, and Perak states, Malaysia. Temiar has preserved traditional numbers 1 to 3, they use Malay numerals after three. In Paul Means' data, the numerals 12, 20 and 100 are constructed by mixing Malay loanwords with indigenous terms, but it's uncertain if they form 11, 13, 21, 22, 23, 30, 200, 1000 and 2000 in the same way, or completely borrowed Malay terms. These numerals should be compared with updated data.


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