Language name and location: Telefol, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区特勒福尔语, 巴布亚新几内亚巴布亚桑道恩省及西部省


1. maaɡop (litː 'left little finger')

21.  ban milii foɡo ('right lower arm')

2. alop (litː 'ring finger')

22.  buɡup milii foɡo ('right wrist')

3. asuno (litː 'middle finger')

23.  awak milii foɡo ('right thumb')

4. kal binim (litː 'index finger')

24.  oɡal milii foɡo ('right index finger')

5. oɡal (litː 'thumb')

25.  asuno milii foɡo ('right middle finger')

6. buɡup kal (litː 'wrist')

26.  alop milii foɡo ('right ringer finger')

7. ban kal  (litː 'lower arm')

27.  maaɡop milii foɡo ('right little finger')

8. ifan kal (litː 'elbow')


9. tu ɡal (litː 'upper arm')


10. naɡal kal (litː 'shoulder')


11. kum kal ('side of neck')


12. tulun kal (litː 'ear')


13. tiin kal (litː 'eye')


14. mit kal (litː 'nose')


15. tiin milii foɡo (litː 'right eye')


16. tulun milii foɡo ('right ear')


17. kum milii foɡo ('right side of neck')


18. naɡal milii foɡo ('right shoulder')


19. tu milii foɡo ('right upper arm')


20. ifan milii foɡo ('right elbow')



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Alan Healey, SIL International, Papua New Guinea. May 22, 2011.

提供资的语言家: Dr. Alan Healey, 2011 年 5 月 22 日.


Other comments: Telefol is spoken by approximately 5,600 speakers in Telefomin district, Sandaun province, as well as North Fly district, Western province, Papua New Guinea. Telefol has a 27 cycle body-part tally system similar to that of the Tifal language and the middle point is at the nose.

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