Language name and locationː Tampuan, Ratanakiri, Cambodia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区坦普安语, 柬埔寨东北部与越南老挝接壤的拉达那基里省


1. maoɲ

21.  pi̤ər ʔɲcɨ̤t maoɲ

2. pi̤ər

22.  pi̤ər ʔɲcɨ̤t pi̤ər

3. paiŋ

23.  pi̤ər ʔɲcɨ̤t paiŋ

4. pwan

24.  pi̤ər ʔɲcɨ̤t pwan

5. pata̤m

25.  pi̤ər ʔɲcɨ̤t pata̤m

6. trao

26.  pi̤ər ʔɲcɨ̤t trao

7. tampaəh

27.  pi̤ər ʔɲcɨ̤t tampaəh

8. taŋhaːm

28.  pi̤ər ʔɲcɨ̤t taŋhaːm

9. ʔɲçən

29.  pi̤ər ʔɲcɨ̤t ʔɲçən

10. ʔɲcɨ̤t

30.  paiŋ ʔɲcɨ̤t

11. ʔɲcɨ̤t maoɲ

40.  pwan ʔɲcɨ̤t

12. ʔɲcɨ̤t pi̤ər

50.  pata̤m ʔɲcɨ̤t

13. ʔɲcɨ̤t paiŋ

60.  trao ʔɲcɨ̤t

14. ʔɲcɨ̤t pwan

70.  tampaəh ʔɲcɨ̤t

15. ʔɲcɨ̤t pata̤m

80.  taŋhaːm ʔɲcɨ̤t

16. ʔɲcɨ̤t trao

90.  ʔɲçən ʔɲcɨ̤t

17. ʔɲcɨ̤t tampaəh

100. maoɲ rajaŋ

18. ʔɲcɨ̤t taŋhaːm

200. pi̤ər rajaŋ

19. ʔɲcɨ̤t ʔɲçən

1000. maoɲ rapo̤ː < Chamic

20. pi̤ər ʔɲcɨ̤t

2000. pi̤ər rapo̤ː


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Andrew Carson, Summer Institute of Linguistics, September 1, 2006.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Andrew Carson, 2006 年 9 月 11 日.


Other comments: Tampuan has a decimal numeral system. Thousand is a loanword from Chamic language. Tampuan is the language of Tampuan people indigenous to the mountainous regions of Ratanakiri Province in Cambodia. As of the 2008 census there were 31,000 speakers, which amounts to 21% of the province's population. It is closely related to Bahnar and Alak, the three of which form the Central Bahnaric language grouping within the Mon-Khmer language family according to traditional classification.Sidwell's more recent classification groups Tampuan on an equal level with Bahnar and the South Bahnaric languages in a larger Central Bahnar group. 


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