Language name and locationː North Tairora, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区北部泰罗拉语, 巴布亚新几内亚东高地省凯南图地区


1. βoʔaɪqa

2. tarau

3. taraumoru  (litː ''two plus one plus'')

4. tarau tarau (litː ''two plus two plus'')

5. tarau tarau βoʔaɪqa (litː ''two plus two plus one plus'') 

6. kaquru hini βohaiqa  (litː ''hand and the other hand one'')

7. kaquru hini tarau

8. kaquru hini taraumoru

9. kaquru hini tarau tarau 

10. βoʔaɪqa kaquru (litː ?)


Linguist providing data and dateː Miss Joyce Wood and Miss Jenny Fix, SIL International, Papua New Guinea, Informant Samantha Kusari, June 17, 2016.  

提供资的语言家: Miss Joyce Wood and Miss Jenny Fix, 2016 年 6 月 17 日.


Other comments: North Tairora is spoken by approximately 5,000 speakers in Kainantu and Obura districts, north of Kainantu, Eastern Highlands province, Papua New Guinea.

The new data for Tairora or North Tairora language is a little different from the old one provided by Alex Vincent in 2010, maybe from different dialect.

Language name and locationː North Tairora, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区北部泰罗拉语, 巴布亚新几内亚东高地省凯南图地区


1. vɔːhaiʔʌ

2. taːɾʌʔʌntʌ

3. taːɾʌʔʌntʌ vɔːhaiʔʌ (litː ''two plus one plus'')

4. taːɾʌʔʌntʌ taːɾʌʔʌntʌ (litː ''two plus two plus'') or erʌ kaimaːnte (litː ''without the
    little finger'')

5. kouʔuɾu (litː ''a hand'')

6. kouʔuɾu hini kouʔu vɔːhaiʔʌ (litː ''hand and the other hand one'')

7. kouʔuɾu hini kouʔu taːɾʌʔʌntʌ

8. kouʔuɾu hini kouʔu taːɾʌʔʌntʌ vɔːhaiʔʌ

9. kouʔuɾu hini kouʔu taːɾʌʔʌntʌ taːɾʌʔʌntʌ or kouʔuɾu hini kouʔu erʌ kaimaːnte

10. kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ (litː ''my hands'' )

11. kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ aiʔuni vɔːhaiʔʌ (litː ''two hands and one at the foot'') or

     kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ taiʔerɔː, aiʔuni vɔːhaiʔʌ (litː ''two hands finished and one at the foot'')

12. kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ aiʔuni taːɾʌʔʌntʌ (litː ''two hands and two at the foot'') or

     kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ taiʔerɔː, aiʔuni taːɾʌʔʌntʌ

13. kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ aiʔuni taːɾʌʔʌntʌ vɔːhaiʔʌ

14. kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ aiʔuni taːɾʌʔʌntʌ taːɾʌʔʌntʌ
15. kouʔuɾu tʌntʌvʌtʌ aiʔuɾu vɔːhaiʔʌ or kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ taiʔuɾu hini aiʔuni taiʔerɔː
16. kouʔuɾu tʌntʌvʌtʌ aiʔuɾu vɔːhaiʔʌvʌtʌ hini aiʔuni vɔːhaiʔʌ, or
     kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ taiʔuɾu,
hini aiʔuni taiʔuɾu, hini aiʔuni vɔːhaiʔʌ 
17. kouʔuɾu tʌntʌvʌtʌ aiʔuɾu vɔːhaiʔʌvʌtʌ hini aiʔuni taːɾʌʔʌntʌ or
     kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ taiʔuɾu,
hini aiʔuni taiʔuɾu, hini aiʔuni taːɾʌʔʌntʌ 
18. kouʔuɾu tʌntʌvʌtʌ aiʔuɾu vɔːhaiʔʌvʌtʌ hini aiʔuni taːɾʌʔʌntʌ vɔːhaiʔʌ,  or
     kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ taiʔuɾu,
hini aiʔuni taiʔuɾu, hini aiʔuni taːɾʌʔʌntʌ vɔːhaiʔʌ 
19. kouʔuɾu tʌntʌvʌtʌ aiʔuɾu vɔːhaiʔʌvʌtʌ hini aiʔuni taːɾʌʔʌntʌ taːɾʌʔʌntʌ,  or
     kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ taiʔuɾu,
hini aiʔuni taiʔuɾu, hini aiʔuni erʌ kaimaːnte
20. kouʔuɾutʌntʌ aiʔuɾutʌntʌ (litː ''two hands two feet'') or vɔhaː vaiːnti (litː ''one man'')
     or kouʔuɾu tʌntʌ taiʔuɾu,
aiʔuɾu tʌntʌ taiʔerɔː


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Alex Vincent, SIL International, Papua New

Guinea. June 27, 2010.

提供资的语言家: Mr. Alex Vincent, 2010 年 6 月 27 日.


Other comments: North Tairora is spoken by approximately 5,000 speakers in Kainantu and Obura districts, north of Kainantu, Eastern Highlands province, Papua New Guinea. North Tairora has a tally system based on finger-and-toe tally system. 21 can be expressed as ''ti vaintʌ taiʔerɔː, viɾʌ vaintʌ vɔːhaiʔʌ, literally ''vaintʌ'' is a string bag handle. 40 is ''taːɾʌ vaiːnti''. Now beyond twenty the old system is not used or rarely used. Tok Pisin or English is used instead. Please note that orthography for the Northern Tairora.

A simple listing of the sound is as follows with approximate sound equivalents in Australian English given where possible:

o as in lawn, r is a single flapped (trilled) r, i as in beet, t (as in English), a as in but, e as in error, v is like a v made with the two lips, instead of top teeth and bottom lip,

u as in boot, n (as in English), h (as in English), m (as in English), ai as in iron, au as in over, q represents glottal stop, aa as in father, n as in now, k as in kick, p as in papa, nt as in fender, mp as in hemp, nk as in sink

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