Language name and locationː Sora, Rayagada Dt., Orissa, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区索拉语, 印度东部奥里萨邦, 阿萨姆, 安得拉邦


1. əboi

21.  bokuɖi-əboi

2. baɡɡu

22.  bokuɖi-baɡɡu

3. jaɡi

23.  bokuɖi-jaɡi

4. ʊndʒi

24.  bokuɖi-ʊndʒi

5. monloi

25.  bokuɖi-monloi

6. tudru

26.  bokuɖi-tudru

7. ɡuldʒi

27.  bokuɖi-ɡuldʒi 

8. tamdʒi

28.  bokuɖi-tamdʒi

9. tindʒi

29.  bokuɖi-tindʒi, 30. bokuɖi-ɡaldʒi

10. ɡaldʒi

39.  bokuɖi-miɡɡal ɡaldʒi, 40. bakuɖi

11. ɡalmuj

43.  bakuɖi-jaɡi, 50. bakuɖi-ɡaldʒi

12. miɡɡal

53.  bakuɖi-miɡɡal-əboi

13. miɡɡal-əboi ( 12 + 1)

60.  jakuɖi

14. miɡɡal-baɡɡu

70.  jakuɖi-ɡaldʒi

15. miɡɡal-jaɡi

80.  ʊndʒikuɖi 

16. miɡɡal-ʊndʒi

99.  ʊndʒikuɖi-ɡaldʒi   

17. miɡɡal-monloi

100. bo-sua

18. miɡɡal-tudru

500. monloi-sua

19. miɡɡal-ɡuldʒi 

1000. bo-hadʒar

20. bokuɖi (1 score)



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Opino Gomango, Livingtongue Institution for Endanger Language as Munda Project Coordinator, USA, May 20, 2020.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Opino Gomango, 2020 年 5 月 20 日.


Other comments: Sora use an old duodecimal numeral system before. Sora numeral system is so vast it can't be concluded now because it's an underworking process. It's different from place to place and group to group. As you know Sora language was subdivided into many groups. Which I share with you is Langia or Arsid sora numeral system but Juray sora is different one and Sompeng Sora is different. You will note that Sora’s numeral system is a bit strange. Like many languages of India, ‘twenty’ seems to be a basic unit, so bo-kuɖi [1-20] is ‘20’, ba-kuɖi [2-20] is ‘40’, and ja-kuɖi [3-20] ‘60’. This looks like a 20-based system, which in linguistics is called vigesimal. But when we look at numbers meaning 12-19, 52-59, 72-79 and 92-99 all seem based on the number for ‘12’. So ‘13’ is 12+1 and so on up to 12+7 for ‘19’. The 32-39 is normally formed with 30+2 and so on. But 52-59 (and 72-79, 92-99) shows both systems with ‘54’ bakuɖi- miggal- baggu being ((2 x 20)+12+2). We Sora have mathematics built into our numerals. Sora is spoken by approximately 400,000 speakers in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Odisha, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal states, India.

Language name and locationː Sora, Rayagada Dt., Orissa, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区索拉语, 印度东部奥里萨邦, 阿萨姆, 安得拉邦


1. aboj

21.  bokuɽi aboj

2. baɡu

22.  bokuɽi baɡu

3. jaɡi

23.  bokuɽi jaɡi

4. unzi

24.  bokuɽi unzi

5. monloj

25.  bokuɽi monloj

6. turru

26.  bokuɽi turru

7. ɡulzi

27.  bokuɽi ɡulzi

8. tamzi

28.  bokuɽi tamzi

9. tinzi

29.  bokuɽi tinzi,  30. bokuɽi ɡalzi

10. ɡalzi

39.  bokuɽi maiʔɡal ɡulzi, 40. baɡ kuɽi

11. ɡalmuj

43.  baɡ kuɽi jaɡi, 50. baɡ kuɽi ɡalzi

12. maiʔɡal

53.  baɡ kuɽi maiʔɡal aboj

13. maiʔɡal aboj (12+1)

60.  jaɡ kuɽi / baɡ kuɽi maiʔɡal tamzi

14. maiʔɡal baɡu

70.  jaɡ kuɽi ɡalzi 

15. maiʔɡal jaɡi

80.  unzo kuɽi / jaɡ kuɽi maiʔɡal tamzi

16. maiʔɡal unzi

99.  unzo kuɽi ɡalzi

17. maiʔɡal monloj

100. baɡ so / unzo kuɽi maiʔɡal tamzi 

18. maiʔɡal turru

200. baɡ so, 300. jaɡ so, 400. unoz so

19. maiʔɡal ɡulzi

700. ɡulzi so, 900. tinoz so

20. bokuɽi (1 score)

1000. ɡalzi so


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Luke Horo, PhD in Linguistics, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, date taken from a Assam Sora Scholar Mr. Debaru Sora, December 17, 2015.
提供资料的语言学家: Dr. Luke Horo and Mr. Debaru Sora, 2015 12 17 .


Other comments: Sora use an old duodecimal numeral system before. The system is unique in building by dozens /maiʔɡal/ 12 within scores /-kuɽi/. 99.)  The origin of /kuɽi/, which is common to unrelated languages of NE India, is uncertain. An Indo-Aryan word /so/ ‘hundred’ is now used as an alternate base from 100. Sora is spoken by approximately 400,000 speakers in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Odisha, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal states, India.

Language name and locationː Sora, Rayagada Dt., Orissa, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区索拉语, 印度东部奥里萨邦, 阿萨姆, 安得拉邦 


1. əbɔy, bɔ, mɨɟ-, mi-, -bɔy, -muy

21.  bɔ-koɽi-bɔy

2. bɑɡu, bɑ-, bɑr-

22.  bɔ-koɽi bɑɡu

3. yɑɡi, yɑ, er-

23.  bɔ-koɽi yɑɡi

4. unɟi

24.  bɔ-koɽi unɟi

5. mɔnlɔy

25.  bɔ-koɽi mɔnlɔy

6. tuɖru

26.  bɔ-koɽi tuɖru

7. ɡulɟi

27.  bɔ-koɽi ɡulɟi

8. tɑmɟi

28.  bɔ-koɽi tɑmɟi

9. tinɟi

29.  bɔ-koɽi tinɟi,  30. bɔ-koɽi ɡəlɟi

10. ɡəlɟi

33.  bɔ-koɽi-mɨɟɡəl-bɔy

11. ɡəlmuy

43.  bɑ-koɽi yɑɡi (2 score+3 )

12. mɨɟɡəl

53.  ba-koɽi mɨɟɡəl-bɔy (2 score+12+1)

13. mɨɟɡəl-abɔy ( 12 + 1)

63.  yɑ-koɽi yɑɡi (3 score+3 )

14. mɨɟɡəl-bɑɡu

73.  yɑ-koɽi mɨɟɡəl-bɔy (3 score+12 +1 )

15. mɨɟɡəl-yɑɡi

83.  unɟi-koɽi yɑɡi (4 score+3)

16. mɨɟɡəl-unɟi

99.  unɟi-koɽi mɨɟɡəl-yɑɡi (4 score+12+1 )

17. mɨɟɡəl-mɔnlɔy

100. mɔnlɔy-koɽi (5 score) / bɔ-sɔa *

18. mɨɟɡəl-tuɖru

200. ɡəlɟi-koɽi / bɑɡu-sɔa ( 2 hundred )

19. mɨɟɡəl-ɡulɟi

399. mɨɟɡəl-ɡulɟi-koɽi mɨɟɡəl-ɡulɟi *

20. bɔ-koɽi (1 score) / * mɨɟɡəl-tɑmɟi

1000. bɔ-mɑɽiɲ (4 hundred )


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Patricia J. Donegan and Prof. David Stampe,
Department of Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. March 1, 2009.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Patricia J. Donegan and Prof. David Stampe, 2009 年 3 月 1 日.


Other comments: Sora use an old duodecimal numeral system before. The system is unique in building by dozens /miɟɡəl /12 within scores /-koɽi/ 20 as far as 399, i.e. to a score of scores less one. (Other Munda systems build by tens w/in scores to 399.)  The origin of /koɽi/, which is common to unrelated languages of NE India, is uncertain. An Indo-Aryan word /sɔɑ/ ‘hundred’ is now used as an alternate base from 100.  There is also a native base /-mɑɽiɲ/ ‘thousand; a measure of about one quart’. The transcription is phonemic. Sora is spoken by approximately 400,000 speakers in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Odisha, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal states, India.

Language name and locationː Sora, Rayagada Dt., Orissa, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区索拉语, 印度东部奥里萨邦, 阿萨姆, 安得拉邦


1. əbɔy ~aboi


2. bagu


3. yagi


4. unɟi


5. mɔnlɔi


6. tudru


7. gulɟi


8. tamɟi


9. tiɲɟi


10. gəlɟi

30.  bɔkʊɽi gəlɟi

11. gəlmuy

40.  bakʊɽi ( 2 x 20)

12. miggəl

50.  bakʊɽi gəlɟi

13. miggəl-abɔy ( 12 + 1)

60.  yakʊɽi ( 3 x 20)

14. miggəl-bagu

70.  yakʊɽi gəlɟi

15. miggəl-yagi

80.  unɟikʊɽi ( 4 x 20)

16. miggəl-unɟi

90.  unɟikuɽi gəlɟi

17. miggəl-mɔnlɔi

100. mɔnlɔikʊɽi ( 5 x 20) / bo sʊa

18. miggəl-tudru


19.                    missing

1000. bo maɽiɲ

20. bɔkʊɽi



Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Stan Starosta, University of Hawaii, USA, April 10, 1990
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Stan Starosta, 1990 年 4 月 10 日.


Other comments: Sora use an old duodecimal numeral system before. Sora is spoken by approximately 400,000 speakers in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Odisha, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal states, India.


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