Language name and locationː Semnam, Perak, Malaya Peninsula [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区森南语, 马来西亚马来半岛霹雳州 


1. niːy

21.  dwə̆h puloːh satuːh

2. naːy

22.  dwə̆h puloːh dwə̆h

3. tigaʔ  (< Malay)

23.  dwə̆h puloːh tigaʔ

4. ʔmpăt  (< Malay)

24.  dwə̆h puloːh ʔmpăt

5. limaːʔ  (< Malay)

25.  dwə̆h puloːh limaːʔ

6. ʔnaːm  (< Malay)

26.  dwə̆h puloːh ʔnaːm

7. tuɟŭh  (< Malay)

27.  dwə̆h puloːh tuɟŭh

8. lapaːn  (< Malay)

28.  dwə̆h puloːh lapaːn

9. smilaːn  (< Malay)

29.  dwə̆h puloːh smilaːn

10. spuloːh  (< Malay)

30.  tigaʔ puloːh

11. sblaːs

40.  ʔmpăt puloːh

12. dwə̆h blaːs

50.  limaːʔ puloːh

13. tigaʔ blaːs

60.  ʔnaːm puloːh

14. ʔmpăt blaːs

70.  tuɟŭh puloːh

15. limaːʔ blaːs

80.  lapaːn puloːh

16. ʔnaːm blaːs

90.  smilaːn puloːh

17. tuɟŭh blaːs

100. sʁatuːs

18. lapaːn blaːs

200.  dwĕh sʁatuːs

19. smilaːn blaːs

1000. sʁibuːh ~ niːy yibuːh

20. dwə̆h puloːh

2000. dwə̆h ʁibuːh


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Niclas Burenhult, Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands, August 18, 2006.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Niclas Burenhult, 2006 年 8月 18 日.


Other comments: Semnam is spoken by approximately 670 speakers in north central Perak state, Malaysia. Semnam still has Mon-Khmer numbers one and two, now they use Malay numeral system with pronunciation modifications.  


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