Language name and locationː Semai, Perak, Malaya Peninsula [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区塞迈语, 马来半岛彭亨州, 霹雳州及雪兰莪州


1. nanəʔ

21.  dwɨːʔ puloh satuːʔ

2. naːr

22.  dwɨːʔ puloh dwɨːʔ

3. niːʔ

23.  dwɨːʔ puloh tiɡɨːʔ 

4. ʔm̩pat (< Malay)

24.  dwɨːʔ puloh ʔm̩pat

5. limaːʔ (< Malay)

25.  dwɨːʔ puloh limaːʔ

6. naːm (< Malay)

26.  dwɨːʔ puloh naːm

7. tuɟoh  (< Malay)

27.  dwɨːʔ puloh tuɟoh

8. lapaːn (< Malay)

28.  dwɨːʔ puloh lapaːn

9. smilaːn (< Malay)

29.  dwɨːʔ puloh smilaːn

10. spuloh (< Malay)

30.  tiɡɨːʔ puloh

11. sblaːs

40.  ʔm̩pat puloh

12. dwɨːʔ blaːs

50.  limaːʔ puloh

13. tiɡɨːʔ blaːs

60.  naːm puloh

14. ʔm̩pat blaːs

70.  tuɟoh puloh

15. limaːʔ blaːs

80.  lapaːn puloh

16. naːm blaːs

90.  smilaːn puloh

17. tuɟoh blaːs

100. sratoːs

18. lapaːn blaːs

200. dwɨːʔ ratoːs

19. smilaːn blaːs

1000. sribuːʔ

20. dwɨːʔ puloh

2000. dwɨːʔ ribuːʔ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Sylvia Tufvesson, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands. January 19, 2010.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Sylvia Tufvesson, 2010 年 1 月 19 日.


Other comments: Semai is spoken by approximately 45,000 speakers in northwest Pahang state, south Perak state and north Selangor state, Malaysia. Semai has preserved three indigenous terms for ‘one’ /nanəʔ/, ‘two’ /naːr/ and ‘three’ /niːʔ/. Numerals for higher numbers, as well as ‘zero’, are Malay loans with phonological adaptations.


     1. My transcription differ from that of Diffloth and Phillips in that I have not

         included epenthesis vowels. Specifically, this excludes the following vowels

        in my analysis of the phonology:

        [ə] in: /ʔmpat/ [ʔəmpat]; /smilaːn/ [səmilaːn]; /spuloh/ [səpuloh]; /sblaːs/

        [səblaːs]; /sratoːs/ [səratoːs]; /sribuːʔ/ [səribuːʔ]

         [u] in: /dwɨːʔ/ [duwɨːʔ]

      2.  Occasionally, in surface realisations, the final /ʔ/ in the Malay loanword

         /dwɨːʔ/ 'two' is dropped; i.e., /dwɨːʔ/ [duwɨː]. This violates the phonotactic

         rules which state that only heavy (or closed) syllables can occur in word-final

         positions. (cf. Diffloth 1976, 1977). However, I have chosen to include the final

         glottal in the table above, as final consonant deletion is not a regular pattern,

         and the underlying form is analysed to include the final consonant. Dropping of

         final consonant is only observed in this numeral.

       3.  The numeral /nanəʔ/ ‘one’ is often shortened to the prefix form /nu-/.
         Prefixation of other numerals is not recorded.

       4.  Nouns preceded by a numeral are typically unitised.

       5.  NB! The use of the Malay term /kusuŋ/ with the meaning 'zero' is rare.

           More often, it is used with the meaning 'empty' or 'nothing'.



Diffloth, G. 1976. “Mon-Khmer numerals in Aslian languages.” In G. Diffloth and N. Zide, (eds.), Austroasiatic Number Systems, pp. 31-8. Special issue #174 of Linguistics,

          an International Review. The Hague and Paris: Mouton.

Diffloth, G. 1977. “Towards a history of Mon-Khmer: Proto Semai Vowels”. In Southeast Asian studies, Vol. XIV(4), pp. 463-483. Kyoto: The Centre for Southeast Asian Studies.

Language name and locationː Semai, Perak, Malaya Peninsula [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区塞迈语, 马来半岛彭亨州, 霹雳州及雪兰莪州


1. nanɨʔ; nanəʔ; saaʔ / nu-(prefix) 

21.  duwəə puloh saaʔ

2. naar; duwaaʔ; ʔ-n-aar

22.  duwəə puloh duwaaʔ

3. niʔ; tiɡaaʔ (< Malay)

23.  duwəə puloh tiɡaaʔ 

4. ʔm̩pat (< Malay)

24.  duwəə puloh ʔm̩pat

5. limaaʔ (< Malay)

25.  duwəə puloh limaaʔ

6. ʔn̩nam (< Malay)

26.  duwəə puloh nam

7. tuɟoh  (< Malay)

27.  duwəə puloh tuɟoh

8. lapan (< Malay)

28.  duwəə puloh lapan

9. səmbilan (< Malay)

29.  duwəə puloh səmbilan

10. səpuloh (< Malay)

30.  tiɡaaʔ puloh

11. sabəlas

40.  ʔm̩pat puloh

12. duwəə bəlas

50.  limaaʔ puloh

13. tiɡaaʔ bəlas

60.  nam puloh

14. ʔm̩pat bəlas

70.  tuɟoh puloh

15. limaaʔ bəlas

80.  lapan puloh

16. nam bəlas

90.  səmbilan puloh

17. tuɟoh bəlas

100. ratos

18. lapan bəlas

200. duwəə ratos

19. smilan bəlas

1000. ribuuʔ

20. duwəə puloh

2000. dua ribuuʔ


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Gerard Diffloth, University of Chicago, USA, January 18, 1983. Dr. Timothy Phillips (SIL), November 17, 2009.
Reference sourceː Means, Paul B, 1977. A Comparative Linguistics Study of three Malayan Aboriginal Tribes.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Gerard Diffloth, 1983 年 1 月 18 日. Mr. Timothy Phillips, 2009 年 11 月 17 日.


Other comments: Semai has only preserved three original Mon-Khmer numbers 1 to 3, now they use Malay numerals with phonological adaptations. 


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