Language name and locationː Samtao, Myanmar, China, Thailand [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区山陶语, 缅甸联邦掸邦与中国云南省及泰国北部


1. tèʔ

21.  saw ɪt

2. ra

22.  saw sɔŋ

3. loi

23.  saw sàm

4. pun

24.  saw sɪ

5. pʰɔn

25.  saw ha

6. lèah

26.  saw rok

7. alèah

27.  saw cet

8. sɪtaɪ

28.  saw pet

9. sɪtɪm

29.  saw kaw

10. sʰɪp < Tai language

30.  sam sʰɪp

11. sʰɪp ɪt  < Tai language 

40.  sì sʰɪp

12. sʰɪp sɔŋ

50.  ha sʰɪp

13. sʰɪp sàm

60.  rok sʰɪp

14. sʰɪp

70.  cet sʰɪp

15. sʰɪp ha

80.  pèt sʰɪp

16. sʰɪp rok

90.  kaw sʰɪp

17. sʰɪp cet

100. te pak   < Tai language 

18. sʰɪp pet

200. ra pak

19. sʰɪp kaw

1000. te heɲ  < Tai language 

20. saw < Tai language

2000. ra heɲ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Bebbie Paulsen,  Summer Institute of Linguistics, Thailand, May 23, 1993.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Bebbie Paulsen, 1993 年 5 月 23 日.


Other comments: Samtao is spoken by approximately 13,000 speakers in Shan state, Maynmar as well as Yunnan province in China and Laos. Samtao has a decimal system with borrowed numerals after ten from Tai language. The grave accent [è] signifies a low tone, unmarked is high tone.


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