Language name and locationː Lule Saami, Sweden, Norway [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区鲁勒-萨米语, 瑞典最北部北博滕省及挪威境内


1. akta

21.  kuokte loɔk oktɑ

2. kuokte

22.  kuokte loɔk kuokte

3. kɔlbmɔ

23.  kuokte loɔk kɔlbmɔ

4. ɲeʎe

24.  kuokte loɔk ɲeʎe

5. viht(t)ta

25.  kuokte loɔk viht(t)ta

6. kuhtta

26.  kuokte loɔk kuhtta

7. kiec͡çav

27.  kuokte loɔk kiec͡çav

8. kakt͡se

28.  kuokte loɔk kakt͡se

9. akt͡se

29.  kuokte loɔk akt͡se

10. lɔhkeː 

30.  kolbmɑ lɔhkeː 

11. oktɑ lɔhkeː nan

40.  ɲæʎe lɔhkeː 

12. kuokte lɔhkeː nan

50.  viht(t)ta lɔhkeː 

13. kɔlbmɔ lɔhkeː nan

60.  kuhtta lɔhkeː 

14. ɲeʎe lɔhkeː nan

70.  kiec͡çav lɔhkeː 

15. viht(t)ta lɔhkeː nan

80.  kakt͡se lɔhkeː 

16. kuhtta lɔhkeː nan

90.  akt͡se lɔhkeː 

17. kiec͡çav lɔhkeː nan

100. c͡çuohteː

18. kakt͡se lɔhkeː nan

200. kuokte c͡çuohteː

19. aktse lɔhkeː nan

1000. tuhɑt / tusaːn

20. kuokte lɔhkeː

2000. kuokte tusaːna


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Trond Trosterud, University of Tromsø, Norway, September 29, 1999.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Trond Trosterud, 1999 年 9月 29 日.


Other comments: Lule Saami has a decimal system. On the above table numerals after ten should be compared with new data. Lule Saami is a Uralic, Sámi language spoken by 650 speakers around the Lule River, Sweden, and in the northern parts of Nordland county in Norway, especially Tysfjord municipality, where Lule Sámi is an official language. It is the second largest of all Sámi languages. It is reported that the number of native speakers is in sharp decline among the younger generations. 


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