Language name and location: Pele-Ata, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区佩勒-阿塔语, 巴布亚新几内亚新不列颠岛东及西新不列颠省


1. βilɛ

21.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑmɛi mo βilɛ

2. tɑmɛi

22.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑmɛi mo tɑmɛi

3. tɑtɑlu

23.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑmɛi mo tɑtɑlu

4. tɑmiʔɑ

24.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑmɛi mo tɑmiʔɑ

5. tɑʔuβɛ

25.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑmɛi mo tɑʔuβɛ

6. muxatɛlɑ βilɛ     (5+1)

26.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑmɛi mo muxatɛlɑ βilɛ

7. muxatɛlɑ tɑmɛi   (5+2)

27.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑmɛi mo muxatɛlɑ tɑmɛi

8. muxatɛlɑ tɑtɑlu  (5+3)

28.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑmɛi mo muxatɛlɑ tɑtɑlu

9. muxatɛlɑ tɑmiʔɑ (5+4)

29.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑmɛi mo muxatɛlɑtɑmiʔɑ

10. mɑβoloβɛxɑ

30.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑtɑlu

11. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mo βilɛ

40.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑmiʔɑ

12. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mo tɑmɛi

50.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ tɑʔuβɛ

13. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mo tɑtɑlu

60.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ muxatɛlɑ βilɛ

14. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mo tɑmiʔɑ

70.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ muxatɛlɑ tɑmɛi

15. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mo tɑʔuβɛ

80.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ muxatɛlɑ tɑtɑlu

16. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mo muxatɛlɑ βilɛ

90.  mɑβoloβɛxɑ muxatɛlɑ tɑmiʔɑ

17. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mo muxatɛlɑ tɑmɛi

100. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mɑβoloβɛxɑ (10 x 10) *

18. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mo muxatɛlɑ tɑtɑlu

200. anteti tɑmɛi  ('anteti from 'hundred')

19. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mo muxatɛlɑ tɑmiʔɑ

1000. tausen (< English 'thousand' )

20. mɑβoloβɛxɑ mo tɑmɛi

2000. tauseni tɑmɛi


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr & Mrs. Paul & Linda McIlwain, New Tribes Mission, Papua New Guinea, June 9, 1998. Mrs. Linda McIlwain, March 24, 2008.

供资料的语言学家: Mr & Mrs. Paul & Linda McIlwain, 1998 年 6 月 9 日.


Other comments: Pele-Ata has a quinary-decimal system. The terms for 5 and 10 have no other meaning and they do not refer to hands. There is an increasing use of English numbers and the borrowed terms for 'hundred' and 'thousand' are 'anteti' and 'tausen'. However, Ata terms 1 to 10 are commonly used in everyday life. Pele-Ata is spoken by

about 2,000 speakers in Mamusi-West Pomio RLLG, East New Britain province and

Talasea district, inland from Bongula bay in Nakanai mountains, West New Britain province, Papua New Guinea.

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