Language name and locationː Parenga, Odisha State, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
语言名称和分布地区: 帕伦加语 (戈隆 Gorum), 印度东部奥里萨邦


1. boˀɟ

21.  kaɖe ek  (from Desia)

2. baɡ / dui  <  Desia

22.  kaɖe dui

3. jaɡ / tin   < Desia

23.  kaɖe tin

4. unɡi / car < Desia

24.  kaɖe car

5. monloj / panc < Desia

25.  kaɖe panc

6. turɡi / co < Desia

26.  kaɖe co

7. ɡulɡi / sat  < Desia

27.  kaɖe sat

8. tamɡi  / aʈ  < Desia

28.  kaɖe aʈ

9. timɡi / no < Desia

29.  kaɖe no

10. ɡalɡi / dos  < Desia

30.  kaɖe dos / tiris (from Desia)

11. eɡaro (from Desia upwards)

40.  dui kaɖi  (2 x 20)

12. baro

50.  dui koɖi dos  / calis (from Desia)

13. tero

60.  tin kaɖi (3 x 20)

14. coudo

70.  tin kaɖi dos (from Desia)

15. pondro

80.  car kaɖi (4 x 20)

16. solo

90.  car kaɖi dos (from Desia)

17. sotro

100. soie (from Desia)

18. oʈro

200. dui so (ie), 1000. ozar (from Desia)

19. onis

2000. dui ozar,

20. kaɖe (from Desia)

100,000. laksa or lokio (both from Desia)


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Felix Rau, Linguistics Department, Leiden University, Netherlands, April 3, 2008
提供资的语言学家: Dr. Felix Rau, 2008 年 4 月 3 日.


Other comments: Parenga or Parengi or Gorum is a nearly extinct Munda language spoken by approximately 20 speakers with 12,000 ethnic population in Mayurbhanj district, Odisha state, India. Parenga traditional numbers have been completely replaced by the neighboring Dedia, the Indo-Aryan language. The lower traditional numbers 1 to 3 are still in use, alternative with Desia numbers. The indigenous numbers for 4 'unɡi'( '-gi' is plural suffix' ) and 5 'monloj' is still remembered, but now mainly use Desia loans 4 ''car'' and 5 ''panc''. For 6 to 10, there were native words 6 ''turgi'' and 7 ''gurgi'', but not used anymore, and there probably native numbers for 8 ''tamɡi'', 9 ''timɡ' 'and 10 ''ɡalɡi'' reported in older literature. From 11 up, Desia numbers were used completely. There is another numeral that is frequently used: "laksa" or "lokio" (both Desia) for 100,000 (Indian English "lakh").


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