Language name and locationː Paniyan, Kerala, Karnataka, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区帕尼延语 (帕尼雅语 Paniya), 印度喀拉拉邦, 卡纳塔克邦及泰米尔纳德邦


1. ontu

21.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːon̪ːʉ

2. ɪɾaɳɖʉ

22.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪɾaɳɖʉ

3. mun̪n̪ʉ 

23.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪmunːnːʉ

4. n̪alʉ     

24.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪna̪lʉ  

5. ɐɲd͡ʒʉ

25.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪjɐɲd͡ʒʉ

6. ar̠ʉ

26.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪjar̠ʉ

7. ejʉ

27.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪjejʉ

8. ɘʈ;ʉ

28.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪjɘʈ;ʉ

9. ompɐd̪ʉ

29.  ɪɾʉʋɐt̪ːɪjompɐd̪ʉ

10. pɐt̪ːʉ

30.  mʉpːɐt̪ʉ

11. pɐʝɪnon̪n̪ʉ 

40.  naːlpɐt̪ʉ

12. pɐn̪t̪ɪɾaɳɖʉ

50.  ɐmpɐt̪ʉ

13. pɐjɪmun̪n̪ʉ

60.  ɐr̪ʉʋɐt̪ʉ

14. pɐjɪn̪al̪ʉ

70.  ɘj̪ʉʋɐt̪ʉ

15. pɐjɪnɐɲd͡ʒʉ

80.  ɘmpɐt̪ʉ

16. pɐjɪnar̪ʉ 

90.  t̪oɳːurʉ

17. pɐjɪnejʉ

100. n̪urʉ

18. pɐjɪnɘʈː̪ʉ

200. ɪɾʉn̪urʉ

19. pɐt̪ːompɐd̪ʉ

1000. ajɨɾam

20. ɪɾʉʋɐd̪ʉ

2000. ɾaɳɖajɪɾam


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Stephen Daniel, Paniyas Bible Translator, "EBEN-EZER" Behind, Co-operative College, Sulthan Bathery. Wayanad Dist. Kerala. India. March 23, 2013.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Stephen Daniel, 2013 年 3 月 23 日.


Other comments: Paniyan or Paniya has a decimal system similar to that of Malayalam. Paliyan is spoken by approximately 9,500 speakers in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu states, India.


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