Language name and locationː Nimboran, Papua, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区宁博兰语, 印度尼西亚巴布亚省北部查亚普拉地区


1. tendʊ

2. namuan

3. naᵑɡɽi *

4. namuan-namuan  (litː ''two two, 2+2'')

5. kienentakuap  (litː ''one hand complete'')

6. kienentakuap kienendi tendʊ (''one hand complete and one on the another side'')

7. kienentakuap kienendi namuan

8. kienentakuap kienendi naᵑɡɽi

9. kienentakuap kienendi namuan-namuan

10. kienenendi  (litː ''hands both sides'')

11. kienenendi mesi ne tendʊ  (litː ''hands both sides and one on a foot'')

12. kienenendi mesi ne namuan (litː ''hands both sides and two on a foot'')

13. kienenendi mesi ne naᵑɡɽi

14. kienenendi mesi ne namuan-namuan

15. kienendi mesinentakuap  (litː ''hands both sides and one foot complete'')

16. kienendi mesinentakuap mesi ne tendʊ

17. kienendi mesinentakuap mesi ne namuan

18. kienendi mesinentakuap mesi ne naᵑɡɽi

19. kienendi mesinentakuap mesi ne namuan-namuan

20. tendʊ du kie mesi  (litː '' one person's hands and feet'')

21. tendʊ du kie mesi du meni ne tendʊ  (litː '' one person's hands and feet and
     one of another person'')
40. namuan du kie mesi  (litː '' one people's hands and feet'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Kevin May, SIL International, Indonesia, July 12, 2008.

提供资的语言家: Mr. Kevin May, 2008 年 7 月 12 日.


Other comments: Nimboran is spoken by about 2,000 speakers in about 26 villages west of Lake Sentani, Jayapura regency, Papua province, Indonesia. Nimboran has only three number words, i.e. words that are exclusively numerical in meaning, namely those for 'one', 'two', and 'three'. The expressions for other numbers are combinations of these and the words for 'hand', 'foot', 'side', and 'person'. Large numbers can be expressed follow the pattern, but the system is very cumbersome. In practice the Nimboran people use the Malay terms exclusively for large numbers, and even numbers greater than five are normally expressed in Malay form. Nimboran is not a tonal language but it has a very complex system of verb affixation, The vowels do not include a schwa. There are six vowels, represented by a, e, i, o, u, and ʊ - this last vowel being a high central rounded vocoid. The 'ᵑɡ' is a prenasalised voiced velar stop, as occurring in nanggli 'three'. This word three also contains the consonant [ɽ], which is a voiced retroflexed flap, normally written 'l'. The consonants 'p', 't', and 'k' are all unaspirated voiceless stops.

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