Language name and locationː Forest Nenets, Krasnoyarsk, Russia [Ref. to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区森林涅涅茨语, 俄罗斯联邦西伯利亚中部克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区


1. ŋoːpʔ

21.  ʄitʲa juɧ ŋoːpʔ

2. ʄitʲa

22.  ʄitʲa juɧ ʄitʲa

3. nʲaɦaɬʔ

23.  ʄitʲa juɧ nʲaɦaɬʔ

4. tʲeʰt

24.  ʄitʲa juɧ tʲeʰt

5. hampɬaɧk

25.  ʄitʲa juɧ hampɬaɧk

6. mattʔ

26.  ʄitʲa juɧ mattʔ

7. ʄeʔew

27.  ʄitʲa juɧ ʄeʔew

8. ʄattʲet

28.  ʄitʲa juɧ ʄattʲet

9. kaːʄemjuʔ

29.  ʄitʲa juɧ kaːʄemjuʔ

10. juʔ

30.  nʲaɦaɬʔ juʔ

11. ŋoːpʔ jaŋknʲa

40.  tʲeʰt juʔ

12. ʄitʲa jaŋknʲa

50.  hampɬaɧk juʔ

13. nʲaɦaɬʔ jaŋknʲa

60.  mattɧ juʔ

14. tʲeʰt jaŋknʲa

70.  ʄeɧew juʔ

15. hampɬaɧk jaŋknʲa

80.  ʄattʲet juʔ

16. mattʔ jaŋknʲa

90.  kaːʄemjuɬʔ

17. ʄeʔew jaŋknʲa

100. juɬʔ

18. ʄattʲet jaŋknʲa

200. ʄitʲa juɬʔ

19. kaːʄemjuʔ jaŋknʲa

1000. joːnaɬʔ

20. ʄitʲa juʔ

2000. ʄitʲa joːnaɬʔ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Marya Yakovlevna Barmich, Institute for Bible Translation, Stockholm, Sweden, June 3, 1999.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Marya Yakovlevna Barmich, 1999 年 6 月 3 日.


Other comments: Forest Nenets has a decimal numeral system. Forest Nenets is a Samoyedic language spoken by approximately 1,500 speakers in northern Russia, around the Agan, Pur, Lyamin and Nadym rivers. It is closely related to the Tundra Nenets language, and the two are still sometimes seen as simply being dialects of a single Nenets language, despite there being low mutual intelligibility between the two. The next closest relatives are Nganasan and Enets, after them Selkup, and even more distantly the other Uralic languages.


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