Language name and location: Nen, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. ambás |
2. sombés |
3. nambis |
4. sombés a sombés (litː '2+2') |
5. widmátandás (litː 'side of the hand') |
6. ambás pus (litː '1 x 6', one pus) |
7. ambás pus ambás (litː '1 x 6+1') |
8. ambás pus sombés (litː '1 x 6+2') |
9. ambás pus nambis (litː '1 x 6+3') |
10. ambás pus sombés a sombés (litː '1 x 6+2+2') |
11. ambás pus widmátandás |
12. sombés pus (litː 'two pus') |
13. sombés pus ambás káp (litː 'two pus') |
14. sombés pus má sombés (litː 'two pus two') |
15. sombés pus a nambis káp (litː 'two pus three only') |
18. nambis pus (litː 'three pus') |
19. nambis pus ambás káp (litː 'three pus one only') |
30. widmátandás pus (litː 'five pus one only') |
31. widmátandás pus ambás káp (litː 'five pus') |
36. ambás prta (litː 'one prta' ) |
37. ambás prta ambás kap (litː 'one prta one pus' ) |
45. ambás prta ambás kap pus na nambis káp (litː 'one prta one pus and three only') |
216. ambás taromba (litː 'one taromba'); 1,296. ambás damno (litː 'one damno') |
7,776. ambás wèrèmaka (litː 'one wèrèmaka' ); 46,656. wèrèmaka tenz * |
providing data and dateː Prof. Nicholas D. Evans,
Department of Linguistics,
the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia,
29, 2010. |
Other comments: Nenzi or Nen has a senary numeral system whose numbers above five have a power of six, with a ranging from 1 to 5 (traditionally to 6. In other words, numerals are formed by concatenating multiples of power-of-six bases, in descending order, then following this with a final addend between one and five if necessary. From the above table, the basic elements of the system areː (i) numerals from one to five, namely ambás, sombés, nambis, sombés a sombés,
widmátandás ('four' is literally 'two and two', and five means
'back of side of (ii) a set of monomorphemic numerals for ascending powers of sixː pus 6 6¹, prta 36 6², taromba 216 6³; damno 1,296 6⁴; wèrèmaka 7,776 6⁵
One older Nen speaker, Aramang, mentioned a further term
wèrèmaka tenz which its value precisely. Nen is spoken by about 350 speakers (Evans et al 2018). Ethnic population: 350 (Evans et al 2018) in Morehead district, Bimadbn village, between Nambo and Idi language areas, Western province, Papua New Guinea. |
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