Language name and location: Nalca, Papua province, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区纳尔卡语, 印度尼西亚巴布亚省东部高地北部斜坡地区


1. 'hŋʰɔnɔk̚  / doɡnoɡ *

21.            / seɡ dara bare

i2. 'pɛnyʌ  / besene

22.            / nab dara bare

3. wi'nilyʌ  / wenell

23.            / lam dara bare

4. dɔm'batyʌ / dom

24.            / dom dara bare

5. lam'bayʌ  / lam

25.            / wenelaba

6. nap ba'dia / nab

26.            /  besenaba

7. sek ba'dia / seɡ

27.            / seldiɡa

8. lin ba'dia  / lin


9. sɔknu ba'dia / ɡugna


10. saɣɔ ba'dia  / sau


11.                 /  ɡalom


12.                 /  oo


13.                 / luwen


14.                 / meɡe


15.                / luwen dara bare


16.                / oo dara bare


17.               / ɡalom dara bare


18.               / sau dara bare


19.               / ɡugna dara bare


20.               / lin dara bare



Linguist providing data and dateː Mrs. Heljä Clouse, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Indonesia. May 30, 1989. Ms. Rosalia Kidd, SIL-Indonesia, February 12, 2010.

供资料的语言学家: Mrs. Heljä Clouse, 1989 年, Ms. Rosalia Kidd, 2010 年 2 月 12 日


Other comments: Kimyal or Nalca is spoken by about 16,000 speakers in the eastern highlands north slopes of Papua province, Indonesia. The Kimyal or Nalca people has

a numbering system goes up to 27 starting at the little finger of the left hand to the thumb, then the wrist, mid arm, at elbow joint, mid upper arm, shoulder, neck, ear, temple, top of head; then going down the right side at all those same places and ending with the little finger of the right hand. After that they count in multiples of 27’s. For example two 27’s, three 27’s etc.  Each count of 27 is called a “deng”. So two “dengs” is two times twenty seven etc. When the number gets to beyond what they can count they say “deng, deng, deng ” which means lots!!

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