Language name and location: Nakwi, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区纳奎语, 巴布亚新几内亚东锡皮克省纳奎村


1. sivə (litː ''pinky finger'')

2. titi (litː ''ring finger'')

3. toto (litː ''middle finger'')

4. yeyə (litː ''pointer finger'')

5. lomu (litː ''thumb'')

6. təfu (litː ''belly button'')

7. no (litː ''nipple'')

8. no siyə (litː ''other nipple'') only used by some 

9. this numeral skipped

10. yilə tiyə (litː ''two hands'')

11. there are no names or descriptions for numbers past this point.

     Knotted vines are used for scheduling events beyond 5 days.


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Greg Greenlaw, NTM missionary, Papua New Guinea. November 10, 2011.

提供资的语言家: Mr. Greg Greenlaw, 2011 年 11 月 10 日.


Other comments: Nakwi has not a very well developed counting system, but they are among the least developed cultures in our area of Papua New Guinea hunter/gatherers whose society was clearly in decline before benevolent influences from the outside came along side. Nakwi is spoken by about 280 speakers in Nakwi-Amasu, Tiki, and Uwau villages south of Sawiyanu [amm] language area, East Sepik province, Papua New Guinea.

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