Language name and location: Moni, Papua province, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区莫尼语, 印度尼西亚巴布亚省高地地区


1. haɡo

21.  menendohaɡo ne haɡo

2. hia

22.  menendohaɡo ne hia

3. helo

23.  menendohaɡo ne helo

4. hui

24.  menendohaɡo ne hui

5. ili

25.  menendohaɡo ne ili

6. amone haɡo

26.  menendohaɡo ne amone haɡo

7. amone hia

27.  menendohaɡo ne amone hia

8. amone helo

28.  menendohaɡo ne amone helo

9. amone hui

29.  menendohaɡo ne amone hui

10. hanaɡi

30.  menendohaɡo ne hanaɡi

11. balo haɡo

40.  menendo hia

12. balo hia

50.  menendo hia  ne hanaɡi

13. balo helo

60.  menendo helo

14. balo hui

70.  menendo helo ne hanaɡi

15. balo ili

80.  menendo hui

16. amobalo haɡo

90.  menendo hui ne hanaɡi

17. amobalo hia

100. menendo ili

18. amobalo helo


19. amobalo hui


20. menendo haɡo ('one persons body')



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. John Cutts, The Christian and Missionary Alliance, USA, October 8, 2014.

提供资的语言家: Mr. John Cutts, 2014 年 10 月 8 日.


Other comments: Moni is spoken by approximately 20,000 speakers in northeast Lake Paniai area, central highlands, Papua province, Indonesia. Moni has a based five-twenty counting system. Their counting system says, one, two, three, four, five, then goes to one one on second hand, two on second hand, etc till 10. Then it goes to one of first foot, two on first foot, etc till 15, and then one on second foot, two on second foot, etc till 20 which actually means one persons body. Moni is not a tonal language and the data is written pretty much phonetically.

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