Language name and location: Momare, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区莫马雷语, 巴布亚新几内亚莫罗贝省


1. moŋkeaŋka

2. yaekaŋ

3. araboa

4. iforeʔ

5. me mo ('one hand')

6. iʔne mo ('more of it, one')

10. me yahe ('two hands')

20. nyi mabu ('one man') 


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Geoffrey P. Smith, Department of Language and Communication Studies, The University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea. December 12, 1988.

Source: Smith, Geoffrey P. 1988. Morobe Counting systems, Pacific Linguistics, A-76, 1988, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
的语言家: Dr. Geoffrey P. Smith, 1988 年 12 月 12 日.


Other comments: Momare is an nearly extinct language spoken by approximately 10 speakers only in two villages in the Masaweng River area north of Finschhafen town,

80 kilometers east of Lae on the Huon Peninsula in Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea. The village informants provided the counting data. The informants given contained some gaps, but it can be seen that there were four distinct numerals and the tallying on the hands takes [lace, with a total of 20 at 'one man'.

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