Language name and locationː Maria, Maharashtra, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区马里亚语 (山地马迪亚语), 印度中部马哈拉仕特拉邦及附近地区


1. ʊnd̪ɪ

21.  viːsa ʊnd̪ɪ

2. ɾɛnɖ

22.  viːsa ɾɛnɖ

3. muːnɖ

23.  viːsa muːnɖ

4. na:lʊŋ

24.  viːsa naːlʊŋ

5. ʔɛjʊŋ

25.  viːsa ʔɛjʊŋ

6. ʔaːrʊŋ

26.  viːsa ʔaːrʊŋ

7. ʔeːɽʊŋ  *

27.  viːsa ʔeːɽʊŋ

8. aːʈ

28.  viːsa aːʈ

9. nɘv

29.  viːsa nɘv

10. d̪ɘʔa

30.  viːsa d̪ɘʔa  (20+10)

11. ɘkɾa

40.  ɽenɖ viːsɘŋ (2 x 20)

12. baːɾa

50.  ɽenɖ viːsɘŋ d̪ɘʔa (2 x 20+10)

13. t̪eːɾa

60.  muːnɖ viːsɘŋ  (3 x 20)

14. tʃɘvd̪a

70.  muːɳɖ viːsɘŋ d̪ɘʔa (3 x 20+10)

15. pɘnd̪ɾa

80.  naːlʊŋ viːsɘŋ (4 x 20)

16. soːɽa

90.  naːlʊ viːsɘŋ d̪ɘʔa (4 x 20+10)

17. sɘt̪ɾa

100. nuːɾ

18. ɘʈɾa 

200. rɛnɖ nʊʔk

19. eːkɔnɪs

1000. ʔɘdʒɘɾ

20. viːsa

2000. rɛnɖ ʔɘdʒɘɾk


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Christopher Vaz, SIL International, India.
October 6, 2011.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Christopher Vaz, 2011 年 10 月 6 日.


Other comments: Mari or Hill Maria is spoken by approximately 165,000 speakers in

Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra states, India. Mari or Hill Maria has a traditional vigesimal system before but now Hill Maria only remains Dravidian numerals one to seven, they adopt Indo-Aryan numeral system mixed with native terms for numbers after twenty. The above data is from Bhamragad dialect spoken in Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra, India.

Language name and locationː Maria, Maharashtra, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区马里亚语 (山地马迪亚语), 印度中部马哈拉仕特拉邦及附近地区


1. ond(i:)

21.  koːɖiː meːnɖ oɳɖ

2. renɖ(u:)

22.  koːɖiː meːnɖ renɖ

3. muːnɖ(u:)

23.  koːɖiː meːnɖ muːnɖ

4. na:luŋ

24.  koːɖiː meːnɖ naːluŋ

5. (h)ayŋ

25.  koːɖiː meːnɖ (h)ayŋ

6. (h)aːruŋ

26.  koːɖiː meːnɖ (h)aːruŋ

7. sat(uː)

27.  koːɖiː meːnɖ sat

8. aːʈ(uː)

28.  koːɖiː meːnɖ aːʈ

9. naw(uː)

29.  koːɖiː meːnɖ naw

10. das(uː) / pad

30.  ɖeɖɖaː koːɖiː (twenty and a half of it)

11. gyaːraː

40.  renɖ koːɖiːŋ (2 x 20)

12. baːraː

50.  renɖ koːɖiː meːnɖ das (2 x 20+10)

13. teːra

60.  muːnɖ koːɖiːŋ  (3 x 20 )

14. cawdaː

70.  muːɳɖ meːnɖ das (3 x 20+10)

15. pandraː

80.  naːluŋ koːɖiːŋ (4 x 20)

16. soːraː

90.  naːluŋ koːɖiː meːnɖ das (4 x 20+10)

17. satraː

100. (h)ayŋ koːɖiːŋ (5 x 20)/ nuːr / saw

18. aʈaːraː 

200. renɖ saw

19. unaːyis

1000. hajaːr

20. koːɖiː

2000. renɖ hajaːr


Sourceː Natarajan, G.V., 1985. Abujhmaria Grammar. Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, India


Other comments: Mari or Hill Maria has a vigesimal system. This data was taken from
Abujhmaria dialect of the Hill Maria language. Abujhmaria only remains Dravidian numerals one to six,  they adopt Indo-Aryan numeral system mixed with native terms for numbers after twenty. Some speakers use Dravidian numerals pad and nuːr for ten and hundred in place of the borrowed numerals das and saw respectively. The word ''ɖeɖɖaː'' for thirty is a borrowed word from Indo-Aryan, which means ''one and a half''.


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